Alternative fuels > Straight Vegetable Oil
Direct Injection and Vegetable Oil
I see that some of the Listeroids have direct injection.
Any opinions and/or experience to share regarding operating direct injection engines on vegetable oil?
Best regards,
Andy Hall
Mine is IDI but there are DI Listeroids running on veggie. I'm pretty sure most of the newer cars have DI as well and there's a lot of them running it too. Just follow the "rules"
Yes, I have noticed that various vendors claim success with VO and direct injection, but I am wondering if there are any special pitfalls to be on the lookout for with this arrangement.
Best regards,
Andy Hall
--- Quote from: adhall on December 23, 2006, 05:52:34 PM ---Yes, I have noticed that various vendors claim success with VO and direct injection, but I am wondering if there are any special pitfalls to be on the lookout for with this arrangement.
Best regards,
Andy Hall
--- End quote ---
As I understand it the pitfalls include faster and more susceptibility to rink coking. If injector heat is important in an IDI then it is critical in a DI setup.
I have a burned a lot of WVO in a DI petteroid... I even start it on WVO... I heat the injector line and injector prior to starting... I do modify the piston though... here's a pic.
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