i havent seen the program but i will take your word for it
this is precisely what i find wrong with publications such as homepower magazine, and for the most part mother earth news
they have sold out to their advertiser's
the last home power magazine i bought a few years ago, chronicle'd an "offgrid" home in northern california,
if i remember it was a 6k sq/ft monstrocity, with over 100k worth of solar, batteries and you name it, all to support an all electric lifestyle.
this is not offgrid in my books! even if there are no power lines to the property!
the sad thing is every part of their system had a full page advertisment in the magazine, i guess what the newbie is to gather from the article was
forget it if you don't have a million dollars to invest.
i know a magazine cannot exist without advertizers,just as tv cannot exist without them, but good grief
wish there was a program or a magazine that truel met the classical DIY type of offgrid homestead, now that i would watch, buy or support.
even junk yard war's which i liked had a stocked junkyard to support the show, i guess we want to be entertained and not educated
on the other side of the coin was
that dude in alaska that lived for nearly 40 years by himself, and built his homestead was pretty cool
as was the series 1873 on pbs
i guess most of the good ones are on pbs, guess we need to lobby them to produce a program on offgrid homesteads, maybe they could get it right.
bob g