Author Topic: Cool Video  (Read 13724 times)


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Cool Video
« on: November 02, 2006, 02:04:51 AM »
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The Petter is kind of interesting. The Ruston is so cool..

This last one is of a twit with an engine from a Rover. I guess he's testing the engine as much as his luck
« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 02:27:31 AM by Doug »


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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 03:01:55 AM »
       I dont see this Rover engine video you are talking about.  Funny enough I had watched the same 3 videos earlier on today when I was busy making sure I accomplished nothing on my day off.

Did the "water" pump on your engine automatically turn in to a "warter" pump?  I know you guys up North "warsh" your hands instead of a "washing" them, but you're making the Yanks and Brits thinks all Canucks say just aboot everything funny eh?  :P 
(In short you spelled water wrong in your sig..)   Read up on your engine more today - interesting stuff...

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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 03:04:51 AM »
that ruston is awesome!

certainly makes the case for the use of concrete doesnt it?

too friggin cool

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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2006, 01:32:35 PM »
Ditto on the Ruston.. Think any third worlders could be talked into building me one? They could ship the sand in a bag since there's no crankcase to fill........Bill
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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2006, 10:57:26 PM »
« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 11:31:06 PM by Doug »


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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2006, 11:21:39 PM »
Hi I liked the roller cam followers on the single cam on the Ruston.
I would really like to see it running a ful load!
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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2006, 12:53:40 AM »
I'm going nuts trying to identify the language they're speaking in the video about the Infernal Fire museum.  Can't place it.  Sounds a little Norse-like, but . . . I don't know.  Gaelic? 

« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 12:56:02 AM by Quinnf »
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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2006, 01:03:04 AM »
  Awsome videos.
  Air starting seems popular.
  What language was the respectable looking women & machine operator speaking in this clip. There seemed to be some relatively un-accented english mixed in  with thier native  dialect.
  Canadian's with an accent? It's the rest of the world that speaks funny.


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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2006, 02:33:25 AM »
Well, the museum's in Wales, so I guess that's Welsh.  It is their official tongue.  Welsh is another Celtic-derived tongue, along with Gaelic, Irish, Breton, and Catalan, among others.
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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2006, 05:15:57 AM »
That makes sense.  I heard the rolled Rs but didn't hear any rounded vowels like you'd expect with the Norse or Germanic languages.  First time I've heard that spoken.  It really had me mentally scratching my head.  Seeing that museum might make a trip over there worthwhile . . .


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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2006, 08:57:30 AM »
The "language" is welsh, except it isn't a proper language, it is full of english words, "of course", "internal combustion engine", "diesel" etc etc, oh, and swear words too.

50 years ago it was a dead language, and that is where it should have stayed, with a few inbreds up in the hills, but someone figured out that after we joined the EU (European Union) it would be a cool card to play to get special treatment, so a campaign was started, and lo and behold wales got awarded special status and started accruing all sorts of money, grants, and financial waivers.

Now being cornish ancestry myself I can dig having an ancient celtic language around and keeping it alive, but there is a big difference between that and what the welsh do, which is why generally speaking the welsh aren't liked.

The instant you drive into wales over the severn bridge the road signs change, you are still in the United Kingdom, but every road sign is in welsh first, with english below it. Walk into a pub and nobody can speak english, until you call them welsh assholes at which point they can all suddenly speak english because they can't curse you back in welsh.

Most annoying is if you go to the Uk Passport office or DVLA office (Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency) both of which are in wales, which is part of the UNITED KINGDOM, and yet every sign is in welsh first, then english.

If you go to areas of London such as Hounslow all the shop signs are written in arabic script, all the shops and banks are "foreign" and everyone speaks arabic or pakistani or hindustani or arabic or whatever and everyone wears non english dress, which is EXACTLY what happens in wales, but because they are wogs and not sheep shaggers all of a sudden it is not a good thing, but a bad thing, and everyone starts whining about why can't the bastards speak english, even though they, unlike the welsh, do not get special grants and tax breaks that effectively mean the rest of us are subsidising us.

Being celtic myself I can tell you that genetically we are the definitive mongrels, so there is no celtic race or welsh race, being "welsh" means living there and speaking the language, yes there are welsh names and welsh "faces" but they aren't a race of peoples as such, and their cultural identity is a lot less valid and coherent than say islam.

Internal fire and museum mines aren't welsh ideas, they have been done everywhere, but everywhere else doesn't have the vast tax breaks and subsidies and special status that you get when you are in wales, so they go bust.

Historically the various english tribes and the welsh have been at war since the year dot, most of this pre-dates everything except native american history, but nevertheless it is real and part of the cultural collective, down here where we have our own rich celtic heritage, which is well tied in with the breton in france and the basque in spain, welsh get short shrift, and welshmen are about as common as other ethnicities such as black, eg not common at all, I can go into town and spend a few hours and come back and not see one of either example.

When I lived and worked in spain I didn't just have the paperwork (this was before they joined the EU) but I spoke the language, and that meant engineering spanish too, I knew what a camshaft was, I could speak to a turner in spanish about his job (I remember one incident in which a young spanish turner after telling me what he did and I asked "wood or metal" went and turned to his mate and said "this is the first foreigner I have ever met who knew what my job was"

The english who limited themselves to por favor and gracias and congregated in english communities reading english papers and consuming english goods were treated and thought of pretty much like I think of the welsh, you are CHOOSING to make yourself different and not integrate, fair enough, you can be a bunch of sheep shagging inbreds and you can join the queues for party invites, jobs, and neighbourlyness at the back of the queue along with everyone else who wants all the benefits, but still wants special status too when it suits them.

The usa equivalent would be some cajun engine museum in new orleans producing a promotional video in cajun, despite the fact that there are more people in the states who speak polish or russian, and then getting bitchy when people ask why they didn't just film it in english.
Original Lister CS 6/1 Start-o-matic 2.5 Kw (radiator conversion)
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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2006, 02:16:33 PM »
There is a videa on that site called "blast injection diesel"  is that a single cylinder caterpillar engine?  Ive seen some pictures of one and it looks very similiar.  My computer is kind of ols and I cant really see the video very clearly.
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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2006, 02:35:56 PM »

50 years ago it was a dead language, and that is where it should have stayed, with a few inbreds up in the hills, but someone figured out that after we joined the EU (European Union) it would be a cool card to play to get special treatment, so a campaign was started, and lo and behold wales got awarded special status and started accruing all sorts of money, grants, and financial waivers.

Hmmmmmmmm. Sounds too familiar. Every time a few well placed whiners  in Quebec and their allies in the Fed government want a handout from the other Provinces. They threaten to separate from the rest of the Country. It's cost us hundreds of billions over the past 35 years trying to purchase their happiness.It would have been cheaper and more satisfactory by far to have cut them off . Now it's like a spoiled child that grew into a free loading adult who thinks the world owes them a living.
  The cost of duplicate bi-lingual services in EVERY single government service/office/department across the country is billions yearly. Even where French isn't spoken in most in 90% of the country. 
  Lets see how does this relate to  Listeroids?  I need a reliable electrical backup and an economical  co-generation machine. The hydro electric power that the Federal government paid to build in quebec and Labrador is being sold for serious $$$ into New York State. Ontario was counting on that purchasing that power cheap instead of maintaining and building our generation/transmission capacity. 
  Part of our sky rocketing energy costs are for government taxes to pay special treatment to a few.
  I hope the US sees this problem and never goes bilingual. It will finish ruining the country.


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Re: Cool Video
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2006, 04:36:29 PM »
There is a videa on that site called "blast injection diesel"  is that a single cylinder caterpillar engine?  Ive seen some pictures of one and it looks very similiar.  My computer is kind of ols and I cant really see the video very clearly.
This is a reproduction of Diesel's first successful compression ignition engine.  He hadn't yet come up with a way of spraying atomized oil into the chamber on the compression stroke, so (as I understand it) used a blast of air and oil pumped as compressed air.  Hence the term "blast injection"  Note the strange (to my modern ear, anyway) sound of the injection and combustion cycle.

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