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Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 30, 2024, 01:05:40 AM »
I don't know what the amps might be but with all that copper I bet it's more than 20!! ;D
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 29, 2024, 11:28:22 PM »
Once I flesh the Operations out I can Find Its Limitations!. The Internal Fire Museum in England Has a similar unit with the data Plate on the Bed plate! My Bedplate has holes for that data plate. It was removed probably with control panel and other circuity! Dang I would LOVE to have that  Stuff! But will work with what I have! I will email Patrick at Stationary Engine Magazine(which is now defunct!) and see if he can get a pic of the plate for me!
Then I can make a copy and stamp it for my parameters!
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 29, 2024, 11:20:51 PM »
All good suggestions!!
But I have to be able to understand it's operation. And Limitations!
So the testing will continue! I am Just so Happy It Is running and That Is a Huge Step for Me!!
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by keith71 on September 29, 2024, 11:14:01 PM »
Yep small steps...  120 volt dc indeed very interesting.. Hope it can put out some amps. Run that dc voltage to a solar charge controller to an inverter.. And AC power. Or lower the rpm down to 55-56 volts dc and charge a solar 48 volt nominal battery bank.. If you are into the newer diy solar equipment out there now..The possibilities are endless.

I know get the bugs worked out first, dreaming comes later..
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 29, 2024, 10:39:49 PM »
I haven't done anything to check the speed, and I haven't messed with the governor either. So those are the next steps aside from getting a fuel can on it for continuous running for the testing and such. only putting a 1/4 cup in at a time so far to check for bad noises and to make sure she is pumping oil! So far she is oiling and no bad noises that I can tell.
It is DC so I'll try too slow her down to 110 or 115vdc and see what the speed is.
Very Interesting!! :laugh:
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by keith71 on September 29, 2024, 09:54:35 PM »
If it is direct drive to the generator might be a 1500 rpm head and engine for 50hz ?? They must be built pretty tough for 1500 non stop.. A lister c/s series engine would probably come apart in short order spinning that fast.
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 29, 2024, 06:42:06 PM »
There is no RPM or HP on the tag
And no Voltage tag on the gen end
Doing it all by Braille :)
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by keith71 on September 29, 2024, 06:29:16 PM »
 ;D Awesome good to hear.. I could not make out the rpm and horsepower on the engine tag you posted a while back.. Keep it goin..
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 29, 2024, 05:22:07 PM »
Ok So I used a small pair of needle nosed to open the gap on the points and finally got some decent spark! :)
Then I put a little fuel in the bowl and nothing no wetness on the plug! 😢
So I cleaned the carb that I thought I had already cleaned!:)
Still no wetness on the plug.:cry:
Then I made sure the bleeder holes for fuel lined up with the barrel in the carb.:)
Then I cranked while I choked it and SOMETHING MIRACULUS HAPPENED!!!
The FIRST Start since Who Knows When!!!:beer:

And It makes electricity!! :jester::p
Now to figure out how to get the governor working and the electricity to settle or what?:O
Thanks for following me on this Adventure!!:salute:
Engines / Re: setting RPM
« Last post by KC7NOA on September 29, 2024, 04:35:45 PM »
i seen a post from a few years ago about some one had a motor running low and that they tried to adjust the speed and nothing happened .. said something about being below 50hz ...

that reminded me that i have a kill-o-wat meter and it does show hz ... though im not sure if its a counter .. or switches 50/60 when its close ...
i sapose if it only has 50 or 60 that when it switches showing from 50 to 60 that it would be fairly close for most anything ...
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