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Lister Based Generators / Re: TR2 oil dipstick
« Last post by keith71 on December 01, 2024, 10:51:08 PM »
Maybe somone would be willing to measure their dipstick for you if you ask and they see the post.. What part # did you receive?
Lister Based Generators / Re: TR2 oil dipstick
« Last post by keith71 on December 01, 2024, 10:39:26 PM »
Well, the PDF I have for the TR2 service manual says 4 liters. The dipstick it shows is type B, and has markings on it.

 What was the part# on your new OEM Tr2 dipstick that you purchased ? Might there be another type?
Are you looking at a service book or parts book?  If you are using a service book and it is showing a type B than there might be another type, A, C for instance. Might be better to look at a parts book and see how many dipsticks were made for the same engine depending on application.

Obviously you cannot measure the old dipstick length and compare with the new one. If you could then maybe transfer the mark.

 Find a parts manual and compare your engine serial number for the correct dipstick type.

Or you are just unlucky and got the completely wrong dipstick sent to you by mistake. Who knows but should not be too hard to figure out.
Lister Based Generators / Re: Lister Jp3 Genset Workshop / Parts / Manual
« Last post by iwasleftunsupervised on December 01, 2024, 03:25:43 PM »
General rule of thumb on fuel consumption,is 1/10th of a gallon per kw hour,whilst it's likely yours has an Isenthal regulator there are modern electronic avr's that will work instead of,EA05AF,and there's Roper electronics in the Uk,with FWR120-10,but he might be retired by now
Lister Based Generators / Re: TR2 oil dipstick
« Last post by dax021 on December 01, 2024, 06:47:50 AM »
Well, I'm not going to argue because I don't know.  My motor bike takes almost 4Lt and this volume seems rather low for a thumping twin diesel.  Maybe it is a misprint in your manual.  You'll have to wait until the experts reply
Lister Based Generators / Re: TR2 oil dipstick
« Last post by madlabs on December 01, 2024, 12:50:55 AM »
Well, the PDF I have for the TR2 service manual says 4 liters. The dipstick it shows is type B, and has markings on it.
General Discussion / Re: Back from the grave,,
« Last post by cobbadog on November 30, 2024, 10:04:46 AM »
Its so much fun wh things are stuck solid. Had my biggest challenge doin g a McDonald Super Imperial Oil Engine. You name it, it was stuck and stuck fast. But I won.
I too had to work out what Aa Birmingham screwdriver was, all sorted now.
Lister Based Generators / Re: TR2 oil dipstick
« Last post by dax021 on November 29, 2024, 05:59:38 PM »
Not sure about the TR2, but my SR2 manual gives sump capacity as 5.4 Lt
General Discussion / Re: Back from the grave,,
« Last post by 38ac on November 29, 2024, 11:53:16 AM »
Nice pair of Birmingham Screwdrivers in that first pic!
LoL, had to look that one up!
Gibb key removal equipment, puller not shown
Lister Based Generators / Re: LPW3 starts and stops
« Last post by Chris2sox on November 29, 2024, 08:19:13 AM »
Thanks for the reply.
It is an automatic control panel and it has specific warnings for temperature and oil pressure. The error condition icon, which comes up after 3 attempts to start, is a generic error so doesnīt indicate anything more than an error.
I have read in an earlier post that the control panel can become faulty. It would be a guess to replace it.
As I mentioned earlier, there is only 5V input from the excitor to the AVR on the initial start up. I do not know whether this is normal or not. When I dismantled the alternator I couldnīt see anything wrong with the stator or rotor.
An additional point is that this generator is only a back-up to the solar system and due to restraints at the inverter, only ever runs at about 1/4 load so no undue stresses.
Lister Based Generators / TR2 oil dipstick
« Last post by madlabs on November 28, 2024, 10:46:27 PM »
Hey All,

I recently bought an actual Lister-Petter dipstick for my TR2. It came with no markings on it at all. What is up with that?

Secondly, I have the oil filled to 4 liters and it is barely on the dipstick at all, like maybe 1/8". Should I have more that 4 liters in a TR2? That is what the manual says.

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