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Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by keith71 on September 09, 2024, 09:24:51 PM »
The second chart was much easier to read.. So it says under ring end gaps .003 (per inch of bore)  for all other engines. That was a good chart. Thanks for posting..
Changfa Engines / Re: Changfa Slow Speed Experiment
« Last post by veggie on September 09, 2024, 08:04:13 PM »
Thanks Keith71,
veggie or veggiefuel both work, When the site crashed many years ago, my veggiefuel account could not be reinstated so it changed to veggie.

Powdermonkey, Changfa engines make excellent generators. Either belt driven or direct coupled, they are super reliable machines which have proven themselves worldwide. Take a look at this youtube site where Radoslav builds Changfa generators for shipment to Ukraine and Slovakia.
The majority of the units he builds are belt driven. (In between the tractor videos there are many good examples of Chinese diesel generators)

I much prefer belt driven systems for two reasons.
1] Simplicity of construction. Direct coupled units need their shafts to be rigidly aligned within a few thousandths of an inch in order to make the coupling last a reasonable amount of time. Belt drives are a bit more forgiving.
2] Belt drives offer great flexibility for engine speeds. By changing a pulley size the engine can be run at any desired speed. This is helpful for noise control and engine longevity (if one wishes to run the engine a bit slower than normal for extended life).
With direct shaft coupled units, the engine MUST run at the speed dictated by the generator, usually 1800 rpm or 3600 rpm in north America.

Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 09, 2024, 07:42:54 PM »
Try this one
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by keith71 on September 09, 2024, 05:34:53 PM »
Good catch lol.. .003 sounds a bit snug ;D  .003-.004 per inch of bore maybe ?
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 09, 2024, 11:31:41 AM »
I think I mis-measured my ring gaps, so it has to come apart and be checked.
I'm pretty sure I set these at .003 and they should be .0165.
To be continued.
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 08, 2024, 03:52:16 PM »
Top End assembled just some nuts to install then fill the crank case with oil and prime the engine with a dowel on the pump rod !! :)
Engines / Re: LPWS adding a rising oil pressure switch (ROPS)
« Last post by Diesel Engineering on September 08, 2024, 02:44:40 AM »
If I remember correctly there is only one take off point for the oil pressure on this engine. The way Lister would do it would be to use an oil distribution block. You would then pipe between the pressure take off point and the block. The block would have a number of take off points for various senders, switches etc.
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 07, 2024, 08:38:49 PM »
Engines / LPWS adding a rising oil pressure switch (ROPS)
« Last post by SiFi on September 07, 2024, 11:10:26 AM »
I know I could use a T fitting with the existing oil pressure switch but I am hoping that there is somewhere else on my engine's crankcase that would take a second sender/switch.  I want to try using a ROPS to energise my leisure alternator.
Lister Based Generators / Re: 1925 Lister 2T and Generator
« Last post by Bent Trigger on September 06, 2024, 09:01:16 PM »
No worries Keith I had to buy a 20 of those balls for the pump so if you need a few let me know they're half inch. Here's a pic of that pump disassembled.
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