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Lets go to see some pics.

Engines / Re: HB2 diesel pump? Leakage? How to fix
« Last post by Diesel Engineering on January 12, 2025, 07:51:48 AM »
That's the delivery valve holder. Not uncommon for them to loosen of by themselves. Or possibly someone has tried to loosen the injector pipe without putting a spanner on the holder to stop coming loose. Suggest using two spanners, loosen injector pipe, ensure holder is nipped up tight and then retighten injector pipe.

A few days ago tell you I was after a Lister CD engine.

Remeber the other I lost in 2021?

This one had a diferent life. It powerd a field grain thresher - pics will be added.

A 1000KM round trip to up north of country with old pickup and it ended to be flat grounded with load. The kart is very heavy.

It is a 1937 engine, and now it will have some rest. No more dust swallowed! Just noise, dripping some oil and a few morons staring at it!

Pics will be added along.

Engines / HB2 diesel pump? Leakage? How to fix
« Last post by TechnicalMan on January 11, 2025, 12:48:45 PM »
Hello, I am grateful for this forum as I am trying to fix my lister HB2 that has been in water for a while. We have disassembled the engine partly, loosened the piston seint that was stuck, now it is turning over and starting when we use starter spray in the airfilter. When I was looking on the side of the engine while turning it over I saw some fluid coming out this place [see attached photo]

My question is how can I fix this? I was trying to clean and fix the engine with some mates of me so perhaps some of them loosened it a bit? But I want to put this engine in my boat as the one that is in there now (lister sl2) I want to sell as it has a bit less HP.

Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards, Jasper
Engines / Re: Adding a thermostat and housing using pipe fittings
« Last post by Hugh Conway on January 06, 2025, 12:33:14 AM »
Try this
Easy to make yourself
Generators / Repeated flashing of my generator
« Last post by barrycc on January 05, 2025, 09:34:12 PM »
Hello. I have a Generac GP7500E & have to keep flashing it to get it to generate.
Replaced the AVR; but it puts out power ONLY after I flash it with a drill.
When I turn it off & start it back up--nothing until I flash it
Will flashing it with a 12V battery better restore the residual magnetism ?
Should I 'load it up' to max 7500 watts ?
Would really like to fix this
Thx in advance for any tips & help
Engines / Re: Lister LD - First steps to get old engine running
« Last post by vdubnut62 on January 05, 2025, 05:44:01 AM »
Sounds to me like you still have air in the pump area of the fuel system.
Listeroid Engines / Re: Where can I get a head gasket for a 6-1 Metro Engine?
« Last post by 38ac on January 03, 2025, 02:40:14 AM »
The composit gaskets as sold by GTG are indeed very nice and are the very best to use on original CS engines or Listeroids without a wet sleeve. They will also work on wet sleeve engines that have had the sleeve stand out corrected. If not corrected the India copper sandwich gasket works better.
Listeroid Engines / Re: Where can I get a head gasket for a 6-1 Metro Engine?
« Last post by broncodriver99 on January 03, 2025, 02:07:34 AM »
EDIT:  just saw bronco has purchased a few of the composite gaskets on ebay.. Have you used them yet broncodriver?

I have not. I bought one years ago that got damaged in shipping so had them send a couple when they reshipped. They have been sitting on a shelf ever since. Just in case kinda thing. I reinstalled the original head gasket on my one CS that is running.

I did give the composite gaskets a good once over and they are very well made. My only complaint would be that the printoseal material, the silicone sealant around the water passages, is only applied to one side of the gasket. So, in my mind one would either need to apply a minimal amount of sealant or gasket dressing to the bare side of the gasket.
Listeroid Engines / Re: Where can I get a head gasket for a 6-1 Metro Engine?
« Last post by 38ac on January 03, 2025, 12:50:16 AM »
Hi, somehow I missed this post earlier. Yes the bore size matters as does if it is 5 stud or 7 and wet sleeve or not. I have head gaskets in all the different types in stock and most every other part also. If interested send me a PM,
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