« on: July 24, 2011, 06:09:56 PM »
well I have 240 going to the panel box in the house with a newtral, from the panel box it come out as 2 120v. each side of panel is 120 . I have only tryed 1 side of the panel box at 1 time but both sides the drop is the same. I tryed an electric water heater element and also a electric 5 hp motor. heater element stayed at 109 volts and the electric motor went to 105 on start and then stayed at the 109v. I tested diodes with a digital volt ohm meter with the generator off -- curent flows in 1 direction only.
do I want to change the diodes or the total bridge rect ?
A few months ago I had a crazy thing happen - was powering the total house no problem and then had nothing, thinking i blew some fuses in the line, shut off the generator and tested the fuses but found none blown. Re-started the generator and this is how it works now--- if this helps thats why I got into testing the brushes and windings and diodes, but i can't seem to locate the problem