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Messages - toydiesel01

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Listeroid Engines / Re: Am I really done ????
« on: August 09, 2011, 10:49:54 PM »
looks really nice

Everything else / Re: 1956 Chevrolet six cyl
« on: August 05, 2011, 08:07:22 PM »
very nice
I'm guessing close to 1000 gal per min/close to 140 psi
2men can handle this for a short peroid of time with out lifting them off of the ground on a 1 1/2 line
it has been a few years for me and maybe I'm a little rusty,  but I can't remember how much water we were flowing/gal per min.
think we used auto nozzel.

perfect old truck thou

Everything else / Re: 1956 Chevrolet six cyl
« on: July 28, 2011, 07:51:28 PM »
does this have a front mounted pump?

Generators / Re: st 10 kw gen head
« on: July 25, 2011, 05:59:39 PM »
thanks tom, i did have a heavy load when things went crazy
placed the order for 4 of them today
bob f

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:17:14 PM »
also the magnum hybred powers your house and charges batts at the same time, monitors the power going to your house.  if a big load comes on it cuts back on the charging to give you full power from your generator to your house.

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:12:27 PM »
the most efficent way is 48 volt dc
magnum makes 9500 true sign wave inverter / charger,  this is what i use and totally love it.  you program the inverter set points,
it has a feature to go to sleep  so it takes very little from the bats but when it sees a load it wakes--also has a remote display ,i made inside of my house/ so you can see whats going on  add a magnum amp shunt and now you see how much you take from the batts and can see how much you charge the batts.  the hybred inverter/charger for the money is the way to go
also 6 volt INTERSTATE batts seem to be as good as the trojen with less cost.

on 48 volts it is close to 1 amp ac=2.5 amps dc
on 24 volts it is close to 1 amp ac=5 amps dc
my 2 cents worth

Generators / Re: st 10 kw gen head
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:40:59 PM »
also before i set up the machine - i did go through it and checked all connections, soldered and installed hose on wires where they went through  the jaggered metal housing and cable tied everything tight - found 1 broken wire on a new gen head--- cheap Chinese wires
bob f

Generators / Re: st 10 kw gen head
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:21:02 PM »
thank you very much ronmar
will try it

Generators / Re: st 10 kw gen head
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:09:56 PM »
well I have 240 going to the panel box in the house with a newtral, from the panel box it come out as 2 120v.  each side of panel is 120 .  I have only tryed 1 side of the panel box at 1 time  but both sides the drop is the same.  I tryed an electric water heater element and also a electric 5 hp motor.  heater element stayed at 109 volts and the electric motor went to 105 on start and then stayed at the 109v.  I tested diodes with a digital volt ohm meter with the generator off -- curent flows in 1 direction only.

do I want to change the diodes or the total bridge rect ?
A few months ago I had a crazy thing happen - was powering the total house no problem and then had  nothing, thinking i blew some fuses in the line, shut off the generator and tested the fuses but found none blown. Re-started the generator and this is how it works now--- if this helps thats why I got into testing the brushes and windings and diodes, but i can't seem to locate the problem

Generators / st 10 kw gen head
« on: July 22, 2011, 03:40:09 AM »
I have a st 10 kw gen head running at 1800 rpm 4 pole 120/240.  I have it jumped in the dog house for 240 per the instructions.
so I have 120 x2 with a newtrel .
problem - when putting a load on more than 10 amps the voltage drops down 120 down to 109 the frequency stays at 61Hz thou .
 I have checked all connections and checked the contact of the brushes with the slip rings - with a meter less than 1 ohm no open windings either and the windings read the same on the meter
rectifier tests OK

Any ideas i can try  to find out whats up?

Listeroid Engines / Re: 6/1 Listeroid Kit Progress - Test Run
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:48:32 AM »
with a small pulley I think I would use a belt tentioner to increase the the surface area of the small pulley
less than 1/4 area of pulley used, I think will you will see belt slippage on the small pulley when under a load 

Listeroid Engines / Re: 6/1 Listeroid Kit Progress - Test Run
« on: May 15, 2011, 09:59:01 PM »
nice compact  design thou, very good

Listeroid Engines / Re: 6/1 Listeroid Kit Progress - Test Run
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:34:55 AM »
close to the same air filter I used 3 years ago, if you search the photo gallery under hydraulic starter you should see my engin set up

nice job

red green black and ground  ??   red , black is ok but the green is used  for the ground on a legal install
what color is the ground wire then?
in the pump controll box where does the green wire attach?
what are the numbers of the pump box what voltage what ampre's need more info

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