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Messages - Mr X

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Listeroid Engines / Re: Hurry rigged starter
« on: February 07, 2016, 03:24:39 PM »
Well 2 days after my hard start episode she started over heating and bubbling through the rad resivoir tank. Humm! Blown head gasket. Oh well can't complain it has been  just shy of ( surprise ) 1800 hr since last decarbon. Wow. Water injection really works I have some pics I'll try to post. Decarboning was a synch.

Listeroid Engines / Re: Hurry rigged starter
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:10:15 PM »
Good news today it started as usual with just one crank and a little sniff of eather. I knew there was nothing wrong she just wanted to be cantancourous. When I started with the drill the reducers came out of the socket on firing up and socket was a bit stuck on shaft I just took the end of the reducers and taped on the edge of socket to pop it off.


Listeroid Engines / Hurry rigged starter
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:00:25 PM »
Wow this morning I wet to start the Roid and huff and puff she wouldn't start. Ok so I rested and tried again. And I rested and tried again. And again still no go . I checked and blead the injector line,no. I checked and blead the injector pump, no. Shit, now after a few more tries to start I'm hooped. I can visualize a heart attak. Better have an early lunch and a nap. 2 hr later it's time to try again, no. Ok bring out the spare gen set and I'll try something. I have a large socket set 2 in socket and put a 3/8 nut in the key way Aand it bites. I have driver reducers that go from 3/4 to fitting in a drill. I use my 1/2 Mikita drill, fire up the spare gen and give it a try, it turns it just barely, drill I'm sure isn't happy. Can't smell no smoke so it's ok. Ok off we go spinning spinning ever faster but I can't let go of the drill to grab compression release, ah finly, reached it and the Roid springs into life wow what a process. I'm going to have to finish the electric start I'm I started building last fall, share would help in times like this.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Help needed ST3 SOM Brush 10.5 kva
« on: January 20, 2016, 01:26:31 PM »
I have a brush manual I was running a brush till about 900 hrs ago when it died. The motor just started working real hard and just about died it was a good thing I was close by instead of lounging on the couch. Not being too electrically minded it was easier to switch it out to the spare st 5 I had waiting. The brush was a much smoother gen and it was 7 kva and would start motors and stuf real good. The st works. If you want I could copy the manual and email to u.


Listeroid Engines / Re: Water injection works!
« on: January 11, 2016, 02:29:53 PM »
After seeing this post I tried using methealhyydrate now a couple times. I was hearing the knock starting , I gave it a drink of 2-3 oz in my litre jug and turned up the flow quite high 1litre/ 4-5 hr next day smaller drink meth, in water 1 litre/ 8 hr . Not sure what meth did but it sure took out the developing knock. I was beginning to think I had a tear down coming this or next week. But thankfully methealhyydrate saved the day. I haven't heard my Roid run so sweet except for right after tear down. Who woldathunk. I'll still continue using straight water but for those special occasions when the knock starts I'm treating it to a cocktail. Just to remind folks I'm burning wvo sometimes 80% I'll usually add 5 gal jet fuel or diesel to the mix and sometimes to this I'll add 5 gal rug. Fuel for the winter is 7-8 45 gal barrels I have basking in the heat put out by Mr Lister. Im only setteling my oil then pump into barrels, from ther pump it to a day tank, it goes through the lines to an automotive oil filter that I have a 75 watt oil pan heater attached. Then to ip pump and on to injector with a 12 volt line heater just before injector. Seems to work and very little trouble sept for decarboning which I'm fine tuning here.


Listeroid Engines / Re: Water injection works!
« on: January 05, 2016, 04:42:21 PM »
Funny, I was just coming on here to boast about my injection experiences but I'm glad to join in here to say how wonderfull it really is. I looked at my hour meter and wow I have 1475 hr from the last decarboning. It is starting to give the early warning knock of carbon build up. Till now I have been able to beat this knock by turning up the water flow. And some times turning on the water flow. Un benowen to me my system calcifies and shuts the flow off and carbon starts, just turning on the water at a good flow can decarbon that build up in a day or so. I'm injecting sometimes up to a litre in 8 hr  but reading you's guys experience maybe I'll have to increase and think about methealhyydrate . Anything to avoid a day long process of decarboning. I'll let u know how I fare


Listeroid Engines / Re: Combined heat and power. Cloths dryer
« on: July 06, 2015, 03:31:20 PM »
Ok I loaded pics of my lath drive .

Listeroid Engines / Re: Combined heat and power. Cloths dryer
« on: July 05, 2015, 01:55:10 PM »
Il have to take some pics but I power my lath with a line shaft I spin it at 1000 rpm and it runs a shaft across my shop ceiling to a clutch off a clutch off a swather, then to a belt down the wall to an angle drive which runs a drive shaft to the lath. Sounds complicated but is very efficient and it will start in high gears when my shop is cold. I use air selonoid to control a air ram which kicks the clutch in or out. It is controlled through the switch which is stock on the lath. The only problem is no reverse. But sure beats the 3 hp electric motor that came with it, the Roid just didn't have the oomph to start it in any thing but the lowest gears.

As far as a heater core I thought of that but it was more complicated then just chewing a hole in the wall and running some ducts.

Listeroid Engines / Re: Combined heat and power. Cloths dryer
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:10:47 PM »
As far as smelling like diesel No. More like French fries. My wife won't measure detergent and so over uses Gain so you can smell soap on my cloths from 30 feet away much over powering the gentle  fragrance of WVO. I searched the web high and low and there was no body who will admit to ever doing this so I'm pleased to say it will work. I suppose the only ones who would care are the foolish soles who have decided to ignore the grid even though it runs right past my property. It would cost 14,000 to hook up and then we would have 120 month bills for life. If you think that's nut you should see how I power my metal lathe.


Listeroid Engines / Combined heat and power. Cloths dryer
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:10:12 PM »
I found the Roid didn't have enough power to run a electric dryer, it would but the rpm was slowly dropping and the fluorescent lights would soon flicker as it got below the required hz. So I disconected on leg from the heating element, the dryer just nearly got warm and after 2 hr of tumbling the cloths still weren't dry. Being that the Roid is just on the other side of a wall why not hook up a hot air duct from the rad to my intake to my dryer. Now I checked the heat being sucked through the duct and it is 125 f not bad so ad that to what the 220 element running on 120 puts out and voila a load of cloths drys in 1 hr. Happy wife. I'll take some pics and add to my photobucket.



Listeroid Engines / Re: Water in jection decarboning
« on: June 23, 2015, 03:46:39 PM »
Yah I know and I spray wvo eather  into my rad or at the wall and I can't see if it is dribbling. And there is no gauge.

Listeroid Engines / Re: Water in jection decarboning
« on: June 22, 2015, 02:15:01 PM »
Not exactly on the subject but related to carbon build up I changed the injector tip and what a difference it makes no more smoke while running and my rpm has come back up to what it was set at 61 hz. I couldn't figure out why there was so much loud knocking even though I was injecting but I guess if your fuel is atomizing instead of squirting then it should run a lot better. I looked on line for ideas of injector tester and I'm going to build one, I have a spare jack and a gauge probably most of the plumbing parts. So when I get a chance I'll make one. It would be easy to check injectors every other oil change and avoid one of the problems that come with burning WVO.


Listeroid Engines / Re: Water in jection decarboning
« on: June 08, 2015, 02:26:03 PM »
Pics of new injector http://s106.photobucket.com/user/MRx_04/library/ my new injector is a lot more consistent. Some times with the other one it would choke off and slow down if not stop. Thus the need for sucking. This the water enters from the bottom of the jug and seems a lot more unstoppable the black thing is a valve from drip irrigation . I took the rubber plunger out of the syringe and punched a hole through to fit the dripper valve..I drilled a hole to fit needel coller in 1 1/2 abs which fits the motor intake with a rubber 90. The next is just hooking up hose and your done. Set the drip and you'll see a nice spray from the needle tip. Can't remember gauge of needel think 18 or 22 1 1/2 in. Hope it works well.


Listeroid Engines / Re: Water in jection decarboning
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:51:09 PM »
Yesterday I took a few minutes and redesigned my water injector so far. I like . And yes just the other day I put methealhyydrate in my injection fluid but with my crude injector when the tip pluged off I'd have to suck to clear it and the methanol tasted terrible and I don't want to poison my self. So I'll take some pics later and you can see the new and improved injector, and no need to suck.


Listeroid Engines / Re: Water in jection decarboning
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:59:27 PM »
I have had my Listeroid since 2006 and have struggled through a great learning curve. I have done everything I can think of that would have destroyed moste modern day diesels, I ran it out of oil 2-3 times, over heated it a few times ran it with carbon knock for way to long. I seized it up once and had to change the liner. But still she hangs in ther and loves me unconditionally. I have 6350 hr on it so far all this time running on WVO. Last winter I burned 6- 45 gal barrels of wvo. I can not afford to run nice clean diesel in it. So thus I have to put up with carbon residue left behind by my dirty fuel.
   A side note here to let u know how carbonatious this WVO is. I was heating my dog kennel this winter with wvo/jet fuel 50/50 mix. It was burning in an old oil stove of 40s 50s vintage. With diesel or jet fuel normal clean out time of the fire pot would be once month maybe 2 butt with my wvo/jet it was every 4 days and even that was pushing it. I had to make some special clean out tools like miniture fireplace tools to do this. It is just too hard on my vacume.
    Any way guys I'll consider looking at my timing.
   I may hav discovered a new trick. When cleaning out hardend on carbon I noticed that Methyalhydrate would make carbon pop and crackle, not sure but think it releases the bond between the surfaces and loosens it. I tried this yesterday when I shut it down It took only seconds to do I loosened the injector mount and squirted a small syringe of Methyalhydrate in and tightened the injector. Left it a few hr and fired it up. I found there was a great reduction in knock. And an abnormal amount of black smoke for a min or two.

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