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Messages - draganof

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Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: See my dissassembled changfa Style engine
« on: February 10, 2008, 01:22:22 AM »
Just think of the Listeroid as a quiet well mannered British gentleman and the Changfa as a Fire Breathing Dragon. While the Listeroid will carry a gallon pail of Kw all day long on a sip of fuel, the Mighty Changfa will drag a pallet load of pails the same distance using twice the fuel, making five times the racket and give your neighbors something to talk about! ;D

Owner of a Mighty Changfa 195

P.S. Actually I just can't afford a Listeroid.

Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: Yippee, Just got my new Changfa 1115 home!
« on: February 09, 2008, 04:20:24 PM »
Unlike the birth of a child we will want to see the pictures! :o

Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: Yippee, Just got my new Changfa 1115 home!
« on: February 08, 2008, 11:35:31 PM »
Reminds me of when I got my 195. I had it delivered to my work place. I loaded it with a fork lift into my service truck and brought it home. By the time I got it unloaded and un-crated it was 10pm. At midnight my wife came outside and told me to put away my new toy because the neighbors were complaining about the noise. You just have to love getting a new diesel!


Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: 195 oil level increase running WMO
« on: February 08, 2008, 11:22:36 PM »
The dipstick on the 195 has an "o ring" to seal it and prevent leaks. The "o ring" also prevents the dipstick from going to far in the bore in the cast housing. The "o ring" is missing, this of course lets the dipstick go further into the bore and just like magic the oil level is way over the full mark. I'm going to find a dipstick and tube from a Cat and eliminate this problem. I never did like the dipstick being under the starter.


Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: 195 oil level increase running WMO
« on: February 08, 2008, 09:32:25 PM »
Never mind I found out why it happened.

Other Slow Speed Diesels / 195 oil level increase running WMO
« on: February 08, 2008, 02:46:44 AM »
I am sure I saw a post here about someones engine sump level increasing when running WMO. I am having that happen on my 195 or I have fuel oil dilution. It doesn't smell like diesel but I'm gaining oil from something. I tried the search engine but came up empty.


Haven't seen one of these in years. I just bought one, there's one left.


Waste Motor Oil / Re: Waste Motor Oil Refining
« on: February 02, 2008, 07:01:51 PM »
pretty sure it's going to be basic.  They have TBN numbers assigned which is the True Base Number - indicative of their base ph.  This is supposed to counteract the acidic effects of combustion blowby.


One thing I wondered is that do synthetic oils that hold up better in an engine burn as well as regular oil when diluted and sent through a diesel engine?  Anyone tried firing a listeroid or other compression ignition engine on synthetic?

I tried some Mobile One in my Changfa 195 at 100% and got lots of smoke. The engine will burn 100% WMO with no smoke so the 195 doesn't like it. I never did try a blend with diesel.


General Discussion / Re: Whats your other obsessions/hobbies?
« on: February 02, 2008, 05:03:48 PM »
High powered rocketry, YouTube slow speed Diesel Porn and AK47's

General Discussion / Re: where is everybody from?
« on: February 02, 2008, 03:20:24 AM »
Puyallup, Washington

It's pronounced Poo-y'all-up by us non-native transplants from the desert southwest. (New Mexico)

Waste Motor Oil / Re: WMO load test
« on: January 22, 2008, 12:45:36 AM »
Mine has a quiet rumble that sounds like an engine running far off in the distance. Of course the stack points straight up and tops out at 30'  Even before I put the stack on you could stand right next to it and hear the generator growling more than the exhaust. It's quiet.


Waste Motor Oil / Re: WMO load test
« on: January 21, 2008, 04:02:34 AM »
I do know their mufflers are very expensive but I have never seen one rust out. I know plenty that have outlasted the engine they were installed on. Mine is regular steel but I have seen some polished stainless ones that had a mirror finish. They currently reside in a rather large mansion in Medina, Washington. The engine also has polished nickel valve covers, polished brass water lines etc. It is truly a wonder to be seen. But sadly the owner won't allow photos of any kind. The generator cost more than my entire house and property! 


Waste Motor Oil / Re: WMO load test
« on: January 21, 2008, 03:19:16 AM »
OK... What is a "Nelson Residential Muffler" Will it help me quiet my C-201 Isuzu Genset?

here is the link for Nelson Mufflers         http://www.nelsonexhaust.com.au/

it's basically a super quiet muffler made for residential generators

go to the exhaust-a-logue and you can download a pdf catalog. there are disrtributors here in the US

The one I have was special ordered for a customer about 5 years ago and not used after the customer canceled the job. It sat in a warehouse until last summer when it was sent to the scrap metal dumpster. I watched them carrying it over to the dumpster on a forklift and asked them to put it on the trailer behind my service truck instead. They didn't understand why I wanted such a big muffler.  heh heh


Waste Motor Oil / Re: WMO load test
« on: January 20, 2008, 06:54:11 PM »
Well learned a bit of a lesson today. Winter time, not pre-heating the WMO and 1625 rpm builds lots of carbon! Went down to the local Chevron and bought 5 gallons of clear highway diesel of high quality ( yeah right) filled up the tank and put a 5kw load on the engine. After 45 minutes the exhaust burns clean again and the base pressure has returned to normal. I am going to run on straight diesel only for now at the 1625 rpm. As much as I don't want to I may have to heat the fuel lines to run WMO if I want to stay at the slower engine speed. If that doesn't work then I'll go back to the rated 2000 rpm engine speed until summer. Right now I'm using this to heat my garage with a 5kw 240 volt heater.


Waste Motor Oil / Re: WMO load test
« on: January 20, 2008, 03:13:22 AM »
Funny you should mention Nitrous. I have two 40lb bottles here in the garage along with Helium, Hydrogen and various other oxidizers and rocket fuels. My two sons are at the U/W. The oldest one is an Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineer/Physicist and the youngest is a Physicist. A family of rocket scientists we is. They keep asking me when I'm going to plumb in the Nitrous! I guess if I ever want to launch the Changfa it would be rather easy. ::)


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