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Topics - weirdfish

Pages: [1]
Things I want to Buy / Oil feed pipe
« on: September 13, 2023, 07:11:45 PM »
I’m looking for an oil feed pipe for a 3cyl lister petter.
Part no 203-31671
The only one I can find is on eBay and it looks less than new.

Engines / fuel injector pipe leak
« on: September 12, 2023, 12:57:28 PM »
I have a leak from 2 of the 3 injector pipes at the top, ( the long nut ), it appears to be running down the nut and not from inside down the pipe.
I've taken the top flat cover off one of the offending cylinders to see if I could work out where it might be from, this is what I'm looking at, how does this come apart, or, where might the leak be coming from.

Engines / Lister 3 cylinder engine stop mech
« on: September 11, 2023, 11:04:19 AM »
I've recently purchased a 1985 Belford dumper with a lister petter 3 cylinder engine, I'm currently sorting out a few problems with it, one of the problems is that the stop mech no longer works, the cable has been removed and when you operate the bit that's left nothing happens.
What should this be operating inside, if I remove it what should be there and am I likely to open a can of worms by removing it.
Any links to a diagram would be really useful

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