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Messages - Alan Hale

Pages: [1]
Listeroid Engines / Re: Simple Electric Starter for Listeroids
« on: November 15, 2020, 06:32:11 AM »
I have A 6hp  Lister with a 2  1/2 kva genny  The last owner cut the wires throught to move it 50 years ago.   I can start the Engine with the handle and it rund goocd I have renewed most of the wires but there are some still need doing I do not know much about generators  or the SOM  i have Not tried to run with the belts on in fear of a shock  !  I would put some pics on here but dont knoe HOW    kind Regards Alan 

Hello That sounds good to me  Have you got a wiring diagram  please 

Hello yes i have noticed that  . What I really need is the names of all the components on the box over the generatortheir are afew wires off and i dont know where they go    . Thanks for your help   Alan   

I need help with my Start o matic   will gladly pay . I live in Euston nr. Thetford    tel   07747102305

Hello , I would like to get me engine to start with my  Staro matic    is this possible  without the 240 v  wiring conected I have replaced most if the wires that were cut off when it wes removed from a shed  The engine runs well but I am to old to swing it  Alan   I would gladly pay for any help  Alan     07747102305   or

Is it possible to spin the genny with 24 v. battery?  will it turn with 12v.? I want to start it again with the genny

What is a SO M?

got my Lister running for the first time in over 50 years 

Generators / Re: LD1 Start-O-Matic solenoid information wanted
« on: June 01, 2020, 09:33:46 AM »
Hello I have a start o Matic to and need help with getting it working    Alan 

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