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Messages - Avondale

Pages: [1]
Engines / Re: LR1 Won't start
« on: March 31, 2020, 10:49:56 AM »

Firstly, thankyou for all your very useful advice. Much appreciated.

I had the bottom surface of the cylinder machined to the correct and original tolerances and re-assembled the engine with a re-con fuel pump and injector. I checked the bump-clearance which is now 'bang-on'

After priming the fuel system the engine started first time ! Whoop !

It runs fine, but it seems to be 'hunting' - slow and fast, slow and fast.

Any ideas?


Engines / Re: LR1 Won't start
« on: March 09, 2020, 05:38:24 PM »

The supplier of the cylinder has indeed confirmed that the dims are incorrect and has suggested it be machined to match the original. It would appear to have been manufactured incorrectly and not to the original tolerances

Original drawing attached


Engines / Re: LR1 Won't start
« on: March 08, 2020, 05:36:25 PM »
Hi there

I thought I would check my Bump Clearance and found that the lead wire (1.2mm solder) would not compress at all as per the manual.

During the rebuild, I fitted a new cylinder due to excessive wear of the old one.

I re-checked  the Bump Clearance using the old cylinder. To my surprise, the lead was compressed to 25 thou as per the manual!

So, I checked the length of the cylinders and found that there is a discrepancy.

The old cylinder is 149mm and the new one is 150.9mm - a difference of 1.9mm. The measurement was taken from the flat surface of the cylinder at both ends. (see pic of piston in new cylinder)

I haven't reassembled it again yet, but could this be a reason for my none-start?


Engines / Re: LR1 Won't start
« on: March 05, 2020, 05:30:43 PM »
Thanks for the very useful advice.

In the end, I purchased a brand-new injector which is working well, but still 'no - start'. I get an occasional puff of smoke from the exhaust muffler, but nothing that resembles 'starting'

It makes me think I may have a timing issue. During the rebuild, I had the camshaft out to check it, but I was careful to align the crank/cam marks on reassembly.

I also took the fuel pump apart to check this, but again, (which was all OK) I was careful to align all the relevant marks. I put .036" shims under the fuel pump and set the rack up according to the manual.

Is there something I have missed re.timing?

Your help and advice as always is most appreciated


Engines / Re: LR1 Won't start
« on: March 02, 2020, 06:38:27 AM »
Thankyou for your advice Adey and Cobbadog

When removing the injector to test, should I use a new pipe, or bend the one that is fitted? I read somewhere that it could split if bent too much?

Thanks again

Engines / LR1 Won't start
« on: March 01, 2020, 03:39:41 PM »

I bought an 'unfinished project' LR1 from a chap locally. The engine was in pretty bad shape, so I set about rebuilding it, thinking it would be straightforward !

Complete strip down, new piston and cylinder, de-coke, valves ground in, new gaskets. New fuel tank.

I reassembled it with the original fuel pump and injector, bled the fuel system but it will not start.

I know I am cranking it in the right direction. I have checked the fuel pump rack and set that according to manual. The decompression is set right.

The crankshaft and camshaft timing marks are aligned. Compression seems healthy.

I can hear the injector 'creak' but still no joy.

Where do I go from here? What should I check / adjust next?


Lister Market Place (things for Sale) / LR1 Oil Bath Air Cleaner 201-11423
« on: February 16, 2020, 03:41:33 PM »

I am restoring an old LR1 and the oil bath air cleaner is badly bent and beyond repair.

I am struggling to find one here in the UK. Part No. 201-11423

Would anyone happen to know where I could obtain one for sensible price?



Engines / Re: 201-10031 Mystery
« on: February 07, 2020, 05:10:34 PM »
Thankyou for your advice on my small end bush. I found a local engine shop and they fitted a new bush and reamed it out for £40. All is well and ready for the build !

Engines / Oil for LR1
« on: February 07, 2020, 05:08:22 PM »

Just finishing rebuilding of my LR1 and I would like to know what type of oil I should use?

The manual says SAE 20/20W or SAE 10W

Any recommendations?


Things I want to Buy / LR1 Connecting Rod
« on: January 24, 2020, 02:04:54 PM »

Does anyone know where I can get a con rod for my LR1? Part No. 570-10010



Engines / 201-10031 Mystery
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:35:43 PM »

I'm rebuilding a Lister LR1. I have decided to replace the cylinder and piston due to excessive wear and ordered new. The small end bush is also quite worn and I ordered a replacement which according to the Master Parts Manual (MPM)is Part No, 201-10150

The new bush arrived, but is too big for the small end and obv the gudgeon pin

In checking the connecting rod, the part number stamped on it - 201-10031 does not appear to be from this model. Again according to the MPM, the correct part number for the connecting rod should be 501-10010. There is also evidence of wear on one side of the con rod, with would indicate to me it has been contacting the crankshaft.

Can anyone tell me what part number 201-10031 is for as my searches have come to nothing

Yours hopefully

Engines / Flywheel Bolt LR1
« on: August 19, 2019, 02:49:01 PM »

I would like to remove the flywheel on my LR1. I see that it has a 2 1/4" AF bolt (57mm)

I dont have a socket that size so decided to look for one on the usual websites. Not only do they seem quite rare, they are expensive - £40 plus

How do members get these off?

Engines / Re: LISTER LR1 & LD1 Fuel Tank Straps
« on: August 09, 2019, 09:32:24 AM »
Thankyou for your comments - you all seem such a helpful bunch on here.

I've got my eye on an old LR1 which needs restoration, so I may bid for that, so I'll have 2 units - one to restore and the other for spares

Thanks again

Engines / LISTER LR1 & LD1 Fuel Tank Straps
« on: August 07, 2019, 10:06:42 AM »

The Lister LR1 I have just purchased as a 'project' came without it's fuel tank straps. Unbeliveably, it had tie-wraps fitted to hold it on!

My plan is to restore the engine and I would like to fit original parts where possible

My research confirms that Part No. 570 - 10630 is the correct part.

I am struggling to find any at a sensible price. Sleeman and Hawken who are the parts distibutors for Lister Petter gave me a price of £56 plus VAT EACH, which is more than I paid for the engine!

I am throwing this out to the form to see if there are any suitable alternatives


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