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Messages - snowman18

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]
ok I bot 4 listers now I know they are ST2 and looking for new homes ,

Part them out then sell your parts on eBay.

Just kidding, how many hours on the clock.

I thought someone said your engines ran counter clockwise, I suppose that an alternator wouldn't care much about direction.

General Discussion / Re: LD2 Lister
« on: October 04, 2018, 02:21:17 AM »
My $100.00 generator.

General Discussion / Re: LD2 Lister
« on: October 03, 2018, 05:04:10 PM »
I was offered a seized lister LD1 for pennies recently. I listened to wiser heads than mine on this site parts are dear and when it's done the LD is heavy and low powered. You'd probably make a serious dent on the price of  a more powerful engine breaking it into parts and selling on ebay etc.

You probably did the right thing not buying that engine, even though I found the engine block had been cracked and epoxied on the bottom I feel that I still got my monies worth with my purchase.

Both fuel pumps can be rebuilt and used on other engines, the injectors can also be rebuilt and fitted with the proper nozzles for the larger horse power engines.

After a bit of research found that the LD, SR and ST engines all share the same stroke 3.5 inches, the crankshaft is forged steel with counterweights affixed with cap screws. This indicates to me that Lister possibly used the same crankshaft  forging with different counter weights in multiple engines.

General Discussion / Re: LD2 Lister
« on: October 03, 2018, 01:24:26 AM »
On aluminium?

Yes sir on aluminum. brings back memories of my youth when we would fill balloons with hydrogen

This LD2 engine was a dunker and was probably removed from a lifeboat that spent sometime submerged , the underside of the cylinders has just as much rust as the topside.  After applying a bit of heat the sodium hydroxide has done its job I've now turned the engine block upside down filling the cylinders.

I'm not trying to save the pistons, usually when their stuck this bad I drill them full of holes from the top then bust them into the oil pan.

I see that the counterweights are bolted onto the crankshaft, I have my suspicions the same crank was used on some of the larger engines and that they ( Lister )  just used larger weights affixed to the crank.

General Discussion / Re: LD2 Lister
« on: October 03, 2018, 12:19:54 AM »
Automatic transmission fluid and acetone 50/50 mix is as good as it gets in freeing seized parts.

Opps, to late.

Sodium Hydroxide is much less work.

General Discussion / Re: LD2 Lister
« on: October 02, 2018, 11:33:52 PM »
I was offered a seized lister LD1 for pennies recently. I listened to wiser heads than mine on this site parts are dear and when it's done the LD is heavy and low powered. You'd probably make a serious dent on the price of  a more powerful engine breaking it into parts and selling on ebay etc.

Good, I love a challenge

When I had request the OD of the cylinder jug I was thinking of machining a split device to clamp under the jug that would hold a plate secured to the top off the cylinder with a grease zerk. The force the piston out under pressure.

Instead I'm going to use a solution of sodium hydroxide to remove the aluminum piston.

General Discussion / Re: LD2 Lister
« on: October 02, 2018, 10:37:45 PM »
How many Lister engine share the same connecting rods and crankshaft.

Also I need to know the bottom outside diameter ( OD ) of the cylinder jug.

General Discussion / Re: LD2 Lister
« on: October 02, 2018, 12:21:40 AM »
Thanks, these cold starts were the only thing on the engine that puzzled me.

Its still a mystery to me how something outside of the combustion chamber could raise the compression, perhaps its the addition of so many cc's of oil into the cylinder that do the trick.

The introduction of raw oil into the cylinder would also do a much better job of sealing the piston rings.

I originally purchased the engine thinking it was the same as the one used on the 6.5 kw generator and that the crankshaft could be used if needed.

Instead I now want to rebuild the LD2.

Its missing the air intake but I think that I can hobble something with a remote air filter

General Discussion / LD2 Lister
« on: October 01, 2018, 07:53:53 PM »
New Canadian member.

Within the last week two Listers were offered for sale locally, one has the 6.5 3 phase generator reconfigured to single. The engine and generator both work, but I think the bottom end could uses a new set of bearings.

The second Lister is an LD2 serial 904LD27 ,came wit the LD marine transmission. This engine is seized solid the inside of the crankcase looks fairly rust free.

From the engine serial I'm unable to determine the year of the LD2, some help would be appreciated.

Curious what this brass thing is there are two of these screwed into the top of the engine.

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