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Messages - snowman18

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Engines / Re: Kohlor 8.5 kw with Lister SR2
« on: May 30, 2020, 06:21:30 PM »
What do you use the chemicals for?

There's enough $$$ in that vision ware pot to buy me a couple of Lister's

Ms. Hoke explains in great detail.

Stripping the aqua regia solution of values. In the spent aqua regia solution from your parting operation, there are several values in ionic form, including some platinum and perhaps a bit of iridium.

The solution will be a brownish colour unless there is considerable copper and nickel as base metals in the batch, in which case it will be green or blue-green.

Engines / Re: Kohlor 8.5 kw with Lister SR2
« on: May 30, 2020, 05:44:52 PM »
I know I asked what was a silly question about the chemicals and got the replies expected. It is interesting what people do with different chemicals and is why I asked. I go through a bit of liquid pool chlorine in the cleaning work I do.

The chemicals are used to refine precious metals most of what I know about metallurgy came from Hokes Refining Precious Metals Wastes.

The digital copy of the book is  free download from https://www.scribd.com

Yesterday I reacted Hydrochloric acid with a household ammonia cleaner to make ammonium chloride a totally new chemical with many uses.

Ammonium chloride is what makes the unique flavor in Black Licorice, it's used in certain baked goods to add crispness, also used to add patina to copper, used as a soldering flux.

The ammonium chloride is inexpensive to purchase however quality is questionable. And I need a chemically pure product.

To make it chemically pure the ammonia chloride crystals will be re-hydrated then once again the liquid evaporated then cooled to allow the crystals to reform any liquids left over discarded. The procedure is carried out twice more.

Ammonium chloride is then used to precipitate platinum from a multi species liquor containing nickle, platinum, palladium, rhodium with perhaps a bit of gold ions in solution.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, ammonium chloride is one of many reagents selective to platinum.

Engines / Re: Kohlor 8.5 kw with Lister SR2
« on: May 30, 2020, 10:36:59 AM »
Apparently no serious harm came to the SR2 Lister, below a snippet from an email received this morning from Taylor.

My invertor is happy with the power it produces and charges my batteries too. Probably ran it for 8 hours so far and it hasn't burnt a half tank of fuel.

Today Taylor told me he got 13 hours run time from the two imperial gallon fuel tank, and that his propane generator uses 2.5 litres an hour.

He also mentioned many of his friends ask WTF is that when they first see the odd looking English diesel.

Even though the generator is the Start-O- Matic, Taylor loves starting the engine using the hand crank to keep his friends buzzed.

Now that Taylor has had a taste of Lister he's totally hooked, that old generator went to the right home.

Engines / Re: Inherited Lister engine, advice and id help please
« on: May 28, 2020, 09:22:56 PM »
Remove the cotter pins from each clevis, then move each rack, if one or both fuel pumps are seized it will show up immediately. It's my guess the problem is circled in red.

Remove cotter and clevis nearest the red circle, I think the rack is going to move once disconnected.

Engines / Re: Inherited Lister engine, advice and id help please
« on: May 27, 2020, 02:44:41 PM »
The sliding bar that co-joins the fuel injector pumps operates the fuel rack, are you able to move it back and forth and what position is it at while trying to start the engine.

With the fuel rack all the way to the left, no fuel will make it to the injectors.

Compressed air is not high enough pressure to left the injector needle, google pop tester then watch one of the many youtube videos available.

Engines / Re: Inherited Lister engine, advice and id help please
« on: May 24, 2020, 04:46:54 AM »
You have a Lister LD2, often used in marine application. From the flywheel end your engine is clockwise rotation.

Crank handle operates from camshaft extension - counterclockwise.

Looking at the state of that bolt/follower - I'd say something let go in that gearbox under full power/rpms. I suspect there's a lot more damage in there to find...

Roller for the shift detente that holds the transmission in either forward, neutral or reverse.

Generators / Re: Petter PJ2 15 kw Stamford
« on: May 14, 2020, 05:43:28 AM »
What I needed to know was in the Basler AVR doc.


Generators / Petter PJ2 15 kw Stamford
« on: May 14, 2020, 12:44:19 AM »
This is the generator that i picked up in Ontario, first time use the voltage meter on the control panel shows 250 volts.

I'm stumped why there's no power beyond the voltage meter, the breaker checked out.

Engines / Re: Kohlor 8.5 kw with Lister SR2
« on: April 30, 2020, 12:50:49 AM »
Apparently no serious harm came to the SR2 Lister, below a snippet from an email received this morning from Taylor.

My invertor is happy with the power it produces and charges my batteries too. Probably ran it for 8 hours so far and it hasn't burnt a half tank of fuel.

Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: What Lister is this?
« on: April 28, 2020, 08:52:42 PM »

I'm considering picking it up and building it into a prime mover.

Make sure before you buy it they have the other missing flywheel.     ;D ;D ;D

The shaft your looking at is the accessory drive on the camshaft, turns in the opposite rotation at hakf the engine rpm's

Everything else / Re: Iridium Colors
« on: April 26, 2020, 12:56:54 AM »
This is the bottom side of the collector metal where the heavier platinum settled out. The platinum is the silver looking areas.

Everything else / Re: Iridium Colors
« on: April 26, 2020, 12:52:01 AM »

Looks rather like the colours found in our Australian Opals.

Australian Opals are one of my favorite gem stones.

Everything else / Iridium Colors
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:28:24 AM »
This afternoon I smelted the catalytic powders into a collector metal, next step is to cupal this metal to recover a more pure platinum group.

The colors are from the iridium fraction, other platinum group expected are palladium, platinum and rhodium.

General Discussion / Re: C-19
« on: April 23, 2020, 09:51:01 PM »
google it, it's big news.

Australian businessman Clive Palmer says his foundation has purchased 32,900,000 million doses of hydroxychloroquine,

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