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Messages - ajaffa1

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Hi Guys, it is not a Lister or a lister clone, they max out at around 10HP. This is something else, basically a Lister style engine on steroids. To achieve 18 HP would require an increase in piston size and stroke, a bigger crankshaft and bearings and probably a lot of modification and reinforcing of the crankcase.
I vaguely remember Gary at Diesel Electric Service experimenting with a big bore Lister style engine with a turbocharger, I wonder if he knows who made and imported this engine.
Looks like 38ac has some experience of this style of engine and some spares.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: May 05, 2024, 11:47:07 AM »
Thanks Broncodriver, progress is slow but steady, got nothing done yesterday because my Wife decided to rearrange our house. Spent the day moving furniture, with the help of a friend. Too old to be a furniture removalist, can hardly move today!  :'(

Some progress made regardless of my being stiff as a board. Armature cleaned and now has 2 new coats of polyurethane, cooling fan has been etch primed and painted. Electrical continuity has been checked on the windings and everything looks OK.

The four field winding coils have been cleaned and rust removed. They are now re-installed in their casing and the cabling soldered back together with heat shrink to cover the joints.  This assembly has had a new coat of polyurethane and will receive a second coat in the morning. There is electrical continuity through the field windings.

I`ve started work on cleaning up the 3 phase transformers and bridge rectifier that feeds the field windings. The bridge rectifier is made up of 6 diodes bolted to two separate aluminium heatsinks. The diodes all test OK. In the morning I will check the electrical continuity of the transformer windings.

Few pics attached.


Hi Guys, I had a look at that video. That engine will only produce around 8 HP at 800 RPM, you might get a little bit more at 850 RPM as per the advert. It will not drive an ST10 to produce 10KVA. That unit will max out at less than 5KVA.
I also have concerns about the cylinder head configuration, this is not a standard Lister CS clone. The top water coolant outlet appears to be on the fuel tank side rather than directly above the return pipe as is usual.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: May 03, 2024, 11:14:10 AM »
G `Day People. Not much progress today but I did manage to clean the mating faces and fit the fuel injection pumps and fuel control solenoid. Pics attached.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: May 02, 2024, 11:43:04 AM »
G`Day everyone. The rubber gaiters/boots for my fuel injector pumps arrived today. Hat off to Stationary Engine Parts in the UK and also the Royal mail delivery system, these parts travelled around 12,000 miles in ten days. Parts ordered from Sydney , Australia at the same time have still not arrived! So the gaiters have been fitted, slippery little buggers to fit, they need to be oiled to get them to slide into place but then the oil makes it almost impossible to hold onto them and manipulate them into place. Took about a half hour each, with much swearing.
The injector pumps are now assembled and ready for installation tomorrow.
some of the generator head casings have been stripped and painted, I will be continuing with the gen head in the morning.
Some pics attached.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: May 01, 2024, 11:23:01 AM »
G`Day folks, I`m still waiting for bits to be delivered so I can`t move forward with the Petter PJ2.
So, today I decided to strip the 3 phase generator head. This head has four slip rings and is wired as a Y with 3 single phase 240 volt supplies on each branch of the y, rated at around 20 Amps for each leg. Alternatively I can draw 3 phase power at 415 volts off the three outer legs. Early inspection shows no wear in the bearings or on the slip rings/carbon brushes. This tool has sat in a farmers field for the last ten years, so there is a lot of rust and detritus so it will be cleaned and repainted. the field coils will be cleaned and soaked in polyurethane varnish as will the transformer assembly that feeds the field coils.
A few pics showing dismantled components.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: April 30, 2024, 09:48:55 AM »
Hi Stef, thanks for the support. How are things going up in the mountains? You will be coming into summer time there, We are just going into winter so the wood burner is lit and we have just changed from salads & fish to meat and 3 veg, Can`t beat heavy greasy food and stews when the weather gets cold, bugger the Doctors health advice!  :laugh:
A bit of a way to go on this old Petter, I hope to have it generating by June. Still got to tackle the generator head.

So today I stripped and cleaned up the injector pumps and linkages, I`m not going to strip out the elements from these as I see no need, this unit has less than 100 hours on the clock so they should be fine. They have been flushed out with carby cleaner, followed by petrol and finally clean diesel. Just waiting on replacement rubber gaiters for the racks
A few pics attached.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: April 29, 2024, 09:49:33 AM »
G`Day, the wiring for the engine side of things is completed and looks OK, not the right time of year for this type of work, too cold to be sitting on a milk crate for many hours.
Pics attached.


General Discussion / Re: I'm Back - Sorta
« on: April 29, 2024, 09:38:35 AM »
Hi Casey, I would happily pay $1500 dollars for a Witte in Australia but shipping cost from Hawaii might be prohibitive. Have you tried advertising it on any of the social media platforms? There is sure to be a vintage engine enthusiasts club somewhere near by or possibly interest from an agricultural heritage museum.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: April 28, 2024, 09:26:19 AM »
G`Day folks. Not much to report today, I`ve started building the beast a new wiring loom.  The old one was badly made and all the insulation had perished and cracked.This is going to be a bit of a mission because this unit has every imaginable sensor and all wired up to a fuel control solenoid to shut it down if it gets too hot, oil pressure drops and etc.
Just a couple of pics.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: April 27, 2024, 11:24:48 PM »
G`Day everyone. The fuel tank has been flushed and stripped back to bare metal, etch primed and painted. The pipe fittings have all been sealed in place with a liquid thread sealer, I do not believe that PTFE thread tape should ever be used on fuel lines.
The tank has now been fitted with some thin rubber strips between the tank and the tank straps to prevent chafing.
I`ve now got to try to rebuild the wiring loom. The dynamo voltage regulator was full of dust because the cover was loose. It has cleaned up well and looks to be serviceable, just cleaned the points with fine emery paper.
Some pics attached.


Listeroid Engines / Re: Vibration Sensor prevents Flywheel launch
« on: April 27, 2024, 10:58:30 PM »
Thanks for the heads up Bruce. I`m currently working on getting backup power generation for my home and shed, this will include my old CS 6/1. I will definitely be investing in some split collars after your experience.
When I was doing maintenance work in a large sawmill we had a lot of equipment with gib keys. These would work themselves loose at this time of year due to the temperature changes at night. 40 degrees during the day and down to zero at night.
Very glad all that work you put into electronic monitoring paid off, I can`t begin to imagine how much damage a flying CS flywheel would cause at 650 RPM.


Hi Graham, yes we hang off the bottom of the planet, as long as gravity keeps working we should be alright.
You might want to consider putting up a spare parts catalogue with some prices. There are a lot of people depending on Lister/Lister clone engines in remote parts of the US.


Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:26:15 AM »
G`Day folks. not much progress today because it is Anzac Day. equivalent to Remembrance day in the UK and Veterans day in the US. Time to lay down the tools and remember that the freedoms we enjoy were bought with the lives of a great many brave young people from all over the world.
I did manage to fit the new oil filter and its assembly. I am encouraged to find that the filter I took out had a 1978 date stamped on it suggesting that this unit, made in 1976, has had a least one service in it`s life. I am very disappointed by the quality of replacement oil filters. compare the 1978 unit with the sh1t replacement made in China or India! I`m sure it will work but what a drop in quality over the last 40+ years, so much for Globalisation!
I also finished up fitting the oil feed lines. A few pics attached.


Very glad to see someone is selling these again in the USA. No use to me I`m in Australia. How are you getting around the EPA rules prohibiting their import? There has been a lot of talk in the past about people trying to smuggle them in across the Canadian border or import them configured as air compressors and then converting them. Perhaps the EPA rules have changed or the Indian manufacturers have found a way to reduce the emissions.


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