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Messages - billdrilling

Pages: [1] 2
Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: Cat C0.5 Engine
« on: December 13, 2012, 11:36:49 PM »
I paid 4100 plus the usual rb fees so I am thinking a thou apiece would work

Other Slow Speed Diesels / Cat C0.5 Engine
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:43:19 PM »
Does anyone want a brand new unused 2 cylinder cat engine at a VERY reasonable price. I bought 6 of these at rb auctions in edmonton today and only want 2 :)

Lister Market Place (things for Sale) / Re: Lister (??) on ebay
« on: December 28, 2011, 02:34:38 PM »
Very few companies build complete components in America anymore. I rebuilt a 15 ft john deere rotary mower with oem parts , the u joints didn't seem to fit like they should and the whole thing blew up 2 days later. Rebuilt with spicer components and all is good. Nowadays you have to hunt for quality. I would gladly pay extra for American or European made parts. Bill

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: Richie Bros December 7 Auction Lister
« on: December 01, 2011, 01:52:09 AM »
Thought you would like that ,by the way Mr dieselman have you any thoughts on the 2-71 gm's out of reefer cars?

Original Lister Cs Engines / Richie Bros December 7 Auction Lister
« on: November 30, 2011, 04:46:40 AM »
Hey fellas,take a look at the generator. 10kw 2 cylinder lister in an Atlas package. Looks good,what do you think it's worth?
If anyone is interested I could go look at it , located in Edmonton Ab. Bill

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:30:37 AM »
You guys have been a big help. Will get started soon. Bill

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:29:36 AM »
Now it's getting crazy. I do have my 20kw farm backup isuzu but I kind of wanted to charge with the 12 hp listeroid and solar. 

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: July 31, 2011, 11:14:03 PM »
Tom , The utility co. that I do a lot of work orders a 3 ton load of these batteries every 5 years and the guy said he could get me a smokin deal or he could give the 5 year old ones for free. Would they be worth a try? They were well maintained. Bill

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:39:26 AM »
I do a lot of underground power for a large utility co and they say that they can get me large 2 v exides new pretty cheap.Any good? Also thinking of building the whole thing in an insulated 20 foot seacan,solar and everything,making it somewhat  portable.

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:01:32 AM »
Every one seems to agree, 48 volt ,48 volt inverter/chargers,lister /solar charging. Now batteries,deepcycle or how about 2volt cells like that are in utilitiy towers ,phone
substations and such. you know ,2 volt 1000 amp.. I really have no clue but I want a excellent system that friends and family can copy. Bill

Generators / Re: Inverter vs. generator
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:33:21 PM »
The idea off the batteries was to balance the load,from may to sept we get up to 20 hrs of daylight so solar input is also possible. I like the 48 volt idea and will look into it.
Asking you guys for help is like buying a super computer. I checked out the magnum and think that is kind of what I had in mind.

Generators / Inverter vs. generator
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:47:06 PM »
As I know very little about power and am going to build a power plant ,maybe there is some ideas.
Here is my plan. 6/1 listeroid, 4 x 8D batteries, hd 12 volt alternator. 2 x 6000 watt inverters. Batteries should make up for motor startup and high temperary load
Is this a solid practical idea? Bill

Listeroid Engines / Re: Importing indian lister
« on: July 23, 2011, 04:07:56 AM »
I do not know what a petteroid is but if I have an idea of what you want I can get it from Dev at cost. I am not a dealer and don't need the money . I do however have what is called an armstrong sydelly engine with a kato 10 kw head 2 cyl air cooled.
Leave pic and model# and I will get a price. Bill

Listeroid Engines / Re: Importing indian lister
« on: July 22, 2011, 02:16:23 AM »
They actualy run really nice. 

Pages: [1] 2