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Messages - OilCan

Pages: [1]
Generators / Re: AVR wiring connection
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:50:28 PM »
Stay away from that version as it is low quality and prone to failure.  I sent you some info via PM,  I no longer use the one in the photo and shortly replaced it with a diode bridge.  The risk in using the AVR depending on how it fails is damage to your field windings in your gen or high voltage output to the load.  There may be higher quality designs out there with protection but someone would have to recommend a brand.

Changfa Engines / Re: R170Bs on Ebay for sale
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:15:21 PM »
I bought my 12HP Changfa years ago from Mohammed and had no issues.  It was an excellent engine.

Generators / Re: Suggestions on which transfer switch to buy.
« on: October 13, 2010, 01:42:31 PM »
I use the Reliance ProTran 6-circuit transfer switch.

Changfa Engines / Changfa Cold Start With Charcloth Start Plug
« on: January 26, 2009, 01:37:26 AM »
Got to thinking about the "starting aid plug" (illus. #34) that fits atop the cylinder head.
It has a small cup design that seemed it could hold a sufficient amount of "charcloth".  I was turned onto the subject of charcloth by an outdoorsman I worked with.  He liked building things from other simplier eras.

After perusing the internet for charcloth making techniques, I ended up taking some old denim jeans and cut up 2" square patches.  Picked up some 1 pt. paint mixing cans and drilled a 1/4" hole in the center of the lid.  Fired up the ol' Coleman camp stove and put the sealed can with denim inside atop the burner.  You keep the fire on until visible smoke pretty much stops exiting the vent hole in your lid.

When done your cloth should be totally black like charcoal and will be very delicate.  This material was used as a fire starter, as a small spark can ignite it easily.  Early fabricators made a piston type wooden plunger that fit inside another tubular type round stick that was held in the hand.  The operator would place "charcloth" inside the wooden cylinder and insert piston and rap it hard, the "charcloth" will self ignite with the proper compression.

Hmm, is the compression ratio of the Changfa 195 adequate to self-ignite "charcloth" I ask myself?

So, having already made some earlier this summer and stored in tight fitting jar to keep it dry I decided to test out this theory.  First, I measured the block temperature (26 degrees F.)  Tried cranking engine a couple of times and no result.

Removed the "starting aid plug" and packed even with a small charge of "charcloth, reinstalled starting plug. Used hand crank and spun engine over a few times and released the decompression lever and off she goes!

Haven't tried this at colder temperatures yet but this is a definite improvement. My guess at much lower temps you could pack the "starting aid plug" and light it and screw it back in and the material should continue to glow until you get started.

Try this out yourselves and let me know how it worked for ya's.



Unless they did not wind the bobbins properly for number of turns I would try ohm readings
across U1 & U3 and U2 & U4 with the leads disconnected and floating.

If approximately equal in resistance, you might try pulling the end bells and check the soldering
at the winding tie points.  I've had to resolder the lousy solder work that Tawasi did on a 7.5 ST.
So it's worth taking a look inside.

You didn't mention whether this is a new startup or a new symptom on a system thats been
working. I'm assuming it's a new startup.

Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: Changfa Power Shed
« on: November 24, 2007, 12:42:59 AM »
Hi rcavictim:

"appears that there is no thermostat on the cooling loop on the engine.  Is this true?  If so you really do need to install a T-stat for better engine life and performance."

Yes, thats true.  I am waiting until finishing some temperature measurements before adding a T'stat or maybe instead an
Aquastat controller modulating a heating valve in the cooling circuit.  I'm trying  to determine if my water column height
of the cooling lines is excessive.  Since there is no provision in the adapter plate, I would have to rig up something in series
with the top radiator line that would hold a conventional T'stat.

I still have some other work to do on this, but for now I finally get to see it run.

My neighbor was surprised at how quiet it ran...Heh.  Actually, it's only noisy when the door is open, the exhaust is facing
a noisy street along the fence line.  When the door is open, it sounds like there's an industrial air compressor running.

Other Slow Speed Diesels / Changfa Power Shed
« on: November 23, 2007, 09:16:26 PM »
Well it took me long enough but I finally got all this completed.

Installed the Changfa S195 and a Tawasi ST7.5 generator head.  I wasn't happy with the quality
control from Tawasi, so I've ordered a higher quality head from Rocky Mountain Power Source as
a spare.  They don't believe in very good solder work at Tawasi if at all, some of the wire joints
were only twisted together and locked down with heatshrink.

The Changfa appeared well-made which I purchased together from Mohammed off Ebay last year.

For cooling, used a 1987 Honda Accord radiator with a zero pressure rad. cap and 1" lines mounted
to an adapter plate in place of the old Changfa hopper coooler.

The generator output goes through a 2-pole 30A circuit breaker and feeds through 10-4 portable
cable with 30A TwistLock female plug.  This in turn is connected to a Reliance ProTran 6-circuit transfer
switch attached to an outside electrical panel that serves the residence when needed.  The transfer switch has
4-15amp and 2-20 amp transfer circuits.  Here's a link to one:

Here's some photos of my project:



Other Slow Speed Diesels / More Changfas on Ebay
« on: December 16, 2006, 12:46:55 PM »
Looks like Muhammed has several on Ebay. I got mine from him last summer and waiting
to finish the mounting platform to put inside the shed I had to build.  Guess I just don't
get things done fast enough at 58.  I did inspect the interior of crankcase and was impressed
with the machining and cleanliness.  Looked like some of the internals were painted with Glyptal
and crank journal nuts were safety-tied with aircraft wire.

Guy at work gave me a Honda Accord downflow radiator, so will be adapting that for cooling.

Here's the Ebay link for those shopping around:

Other Slow Speed Diesels / Changfa S195 and ST7.5 Received
« on: July 30, 2006, 02:09:04 PM »
Just uncrated my Changfa/ST combo this weekend that was purchased from Motors, Generators and Stuff on Ebay.  Everything was received in good order, the vendor Muhammed was very helpful throughout the process.

My next step is to order the Hopper Conversion from George at Utterpower and build a 8x12 shed. Here's a shot of the uncrated goods:

Changfa Engines / Re: Changfa S195 Serpentine Pulley?
« on: June 24, 2006, 11:22:19 PM »
Ended up getting the Changfa S195/ST7.5 generator combo.  Will be interested in also
using ListeroidUsa's or George's serpentine pulleys if available.  Engine and generator should
be on the way about mid-July.  In the meantime will be building a suitable 8x12' shed to
house the goodies, I expect to reinforce the flooring to accommodate about a 1,000# load.
Guy at work game me a dual-fan Honda Avalon downflow radiator for the cooling.

Will be tying things together with the Reliance #R30216B six-ciircuit
transfer switch.

And then when this is complete experimentation with waste veggy oil.

Mjn & kyradawn thanks for the replies.

Mjn: did you mount your radiator inside or outside of the shed?  I was considering mounting
it externally on standoffs.  You'd think that ol' chevy radiator would be big enough..hmm.  Did
you end up installing electric fans?  Also are you using Utterpower coolant adaptor plate on your

kyradawg: checked out your link for the Morosso Hose Filler, excellent idea!

I'm thinkin the crossflow radiators oriented vertically should put their respective
tanks in a working position and the Morosso Hose filler makes it easier.



Other Slow Speed Diesels / I Gets To Be The Guinea Pig On This One
« on: June 17, 2006, 10:22:29 PM »
Went ahead and took the plunge on a Changfa S915M/ST-7.5 generator combo today.  Looks like
only 4 left out of 10 on Ebay (Item number: 7627444600).  The seller at Motors,Generators &Stuff
name is Mohammed has great feedback and has been clear and prompt in my communications with

I will probably use the 3rd generation serpentine pulleys and coolant plate from George at Utterpower to drive this generator set.  Will also be using a six-circuit Reliance transfer switch (#R30216B) from ReadyPower.Com.

I need to decide what auto radiator to tie into this setup for cooling.  One of the mechanics at
work offered to give me a Subaru radiator, which I know is a cross-flow, but he thinks it can be
modified by sweating on a elbow at the fillneck and stand the radiator fintubes vertically.  By adding
a elbow at the fillneck and extending it vertically with a standpipe and add a coolant overflow to
capture any overpour and keep out the air.

For a free radiator it might work, otherwise I will look for a suitable downflow.

Will also be constucting a generator cart from 3x3" angle, double 2x6" wood sideframes, 2"x6"diameter
1200# caster wheels and small crank type trailer jacks to offload wheels on the generator slab inside
a wooden noise suppressed shed.  This way if the unit needs servicing it can be rolled out of shed
under an A-frame hoist if the need arises.  Will post picks when all it done.

Great info and participation on this site!

Thanks in advance for any radiator recommendations you care to make for this project as well.



Other Slow Speed Diesels / Re: Xi Xiang Z-195?
« on: June 13, 2006, 11:56:12 PM »
You might give this guy a try since he gets parts for Changfas' and might have
info or connections for the Xiang:

Changfa Engines / Re: Changfa S195 Serpentine Pulley?
« on: June 13, 2006, 11:53:16 PM »
Thanks for replies europachris and ListerUsa.  Thats right, George sent me
an email and mentioned the 3rd Generation adaptors which are serpentine.
I have until June 18th to decide whether I'll be a guinea pig for the Ebay
Changfa/ST7.5KW combo. It's encouraging to see parts are available for
both the Lister and Changfas.

Changfa Engines / Changfa S195 Serpentine Pulley?
« on: June 12, 2006, 02:26:43 AM »
Yes, I have George B's Utterpower CD and have seen pix of the 2nd Gen. Direct Drive for the Changfa
engines.  But has anyone seen a source for Serpentine pulley adaptors for the S195 flywheels and similar engines?

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