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Well, that makes it easy... LOL

Things I want to Buy / Home Power Producers Guide to Electrical Reality
« on: September 02, 2023, 03:55:52 PM »
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Home Power Producers Guide to Electrical Reality?

Utter power doesn’t have it, (and no longer seems to be active, anyway) and the Amazon link that is supposed to have it doesn’t.

Thanks !

Things I want to Buy / Re: 20-2 for sale
« on: June 01, 2022, 10:34:49 PM »
Hi Rob,

I sent you a message asking for info on your engine with the cracked head.  Wondering whether you received it?



We got a John Deere 40 hp with a front e d loader about 14 years ago.  I have said a thousand times since that if I had known before what I was able to accomplish with the darn thing I would have bought one 20 years earlier.  I move everything on pallets, dirt, rocks, etc with front end loader.  Those without, I understand your pain.  I was there for 20 plus years.

Listeroid Engines / Your message 25/2
« on: March 17, 2022, 12:55:32 AM »

Can you provide some details on your 25/2?  What part of the Texas Gulf Coast?  I am located in South La.  Thx, Greg

Listeroid Engines / Re: Powerline 24-2 and Genhead for sale
« on: March 15, 2022, 06:54:55 PM »
Just noticed your post.  Can you provide a bit more info?

Listeroid Engines / Re: Powerline 24-2 and Genhead for sale
« on: March 02, 2022, 04:03:41 AM »
By any chance is your unit still,for sale?

Listeroid Engines / Re: New acquisition
« on: November 10, 2020, 08:05:00 PM »
Thanks!  I plan to play with it this weekend, should have a better idea after that.  Regards, Greg

Listeroid Engines / Re: New acquisition
« on: November 10, 2020, 02:50:31 AM »
Thanks for the response.  Gave the engine a more thorough look over this pm.  Tag says 10 brake hp, 7 plus kw. Generator is a 5 kw, seems it could be upsized to 7.5 kw based on the tag rating but I’m not fiddling with that.   Engine is a Vidhata from 2004.  The guy that put it together was an engineer who kept meticulous records.  No guarantee to be sure but it suggests he did it right.  I am going to pull the head and check cylinder, etc when I clean and paint.  Do you have a website?  PS- watched several of your videos before I bought engine 👍 Thanks again, Greg

Listeroid Engines / New acquisition
« on: November 09, 2020, 05:43:48 PM »
First, thanks for letting me join.  I delayed joining until the engine was in my shop.  It is now, so here goes:

I live in the absolute bottom of Louisiana, (halfway across).  We've had three hurricanes and two tropical storms this year.  By some miracle, lights only went out for one of them.  At that point the Generac whole house unit at my parents failed to start, (bad battery, then regulator).  One gas generator crapped out after 3 hours and the other refused to start.  Got power back after two days, not bad.

I'd investigated Listeroid generators 5-6 years ago but dropped the idea due to the EPA ban.  (I am going somewhere with this, I promise!)

A few days ago a friend of mine purchased an Atlas lathe from an oilfield company.  At the time he was told that one of the employees had a Listeroid generator for sale.  (See, I told you the story was going somewhere!)

As you probably gathered from the first two sentences of this post I am fed up with power generation that involves a battery, electronics board or a carburetor or a wire anywhere on the engine.  I hadn't thought of the Listeroid until my friend mentioned it.  My ears perked up when I heard about the Listeroid and to keep this under 10K words I'll simply say I brought it home yesterday.

It's a 6/1, (I think, although the tag on the engine says 7Kw) and has a 5 Kw generator.  Not a whole house unit by any means but enough to power LED lights, fridge and freezer and I suspect a window unit.  Enough for me.  The man who assembled the unit was a perfectionist and did a wonderful job.  The hour meter says 26 hrs running time.   

Overall, the engine is in great shape but could use a paint job.  Rust on the head from a water leak it seems. 

My questions for the group are:

What parts are most likely to cause a problem for which I should have spares, and

What is/are the best source(s) for the parts?

Any good books available?

Any other comments would also be appreciated.



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