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Messages - a1dirk

Pages: [1]
Things I want to Buy / Re: LOKING FOR A CS 6/1 OR 8/1
« on: October 06, 2018, 02:10:03 AM »
Hi all, thanks again. still looking. I due have to give  apologies to Gary. I must of had him confussed with some one Els. he got right back to me . we talked "a lot"  just can't get to my budget of 2K. I will check out the aussi. problem with that if I go there I won't come back. they have the best gold and opals on the planet.... I am a miner/ prospector.
still looking for a Cs at this time and winter is coming.

peace to all

Things I want to Buy / Re: LOKING FOR A CS 6/1 OR 8/1
« on: October 04, 2018, 08:42:52 PM »
thank you all for the responses. been looking on the net for 2 years, no luck. I due have a full private shop. I have never had any luck contacting Gary, sent several emails in the far past. will try again.
thank you all . ill keep watching

Things I want to Buy / LOKING FOR A CS 6/1 OR 8/1
« on: October 03, 2018, 09:20:38 PM »
HI ALL, I am looking for a Cs 6/1 or 8/1. will consider any and all condition. might even go for a roid if it's not a jumper. the bad news is I am in Cali... I due live off grid. would make a great battery charger. "toy".
thank you all Dirk

Pages: [1]