Petteroids / Re: Is a Petter AA1 smaller in size than the AC1?
« on: June 11, 2017, 07:40:55 PM »
I rope started my AC1 a few times even though I had both crank handle off the cam gear side and electric start. Wasn't to bad. I had training on diesel engine repair in tech school. I prefer working on them over petrol(gas) engines. I wont need the rare raised crank start, it wouldn't fit since the tractor has a bonnet(hood) that goes over the top of the engine. Its easily opened to access the decomp lever to fire up the engine. I like not having all the electric stuff as that is less to go wrong and need repair. I can get a NOS Genuine Petter rope for starting off ebay. I PM'd you my email addy. Thanks Mike