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Messages - dieselspanner

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 46
Lister Based Generators / Re: Time for generators
« on: April 30, 2024, 05:53:34 AM »
Looks like you're getting there, keep it up!


Listeroid Engines / Re: Spun the rod bearing, CRANKSHAFT is FUBAR
« on: January 19, 2024, 08:23:11 AM »
Well done, Hugh!

Don't know if it will help but when I had the bitza crank out Dev was offering big end bearings down t - 100 tho, from memory.

At the time I couldn't find a machine shop down here to deal with directly (I've got a grip of the language and far more contacts now, only taken ten years...) so I had the local agricultural engineers send off the crank and bearing for machining as a pair. No idea what size they are now, it's irrelevant until the next time...

Obviously you'd still be stuck with the delivery issues but I would think Dev could get you bearings made to almost any practical size, at reasonable cost.


Listeroid Engines / Re: Spun the rod bearing, CRANKSHAFT is FUBAR
« on: January 18, 2024, 03:43:18 PM »
Hi All


My bitza CS had been sabotaged with a slack handful of sand in the sump when I got it, obviously the grit had played the cat and banjo with the white metal mains so I changed them for a set of Dev TRB's and carriers and used half a tube of Loctite -610 I think - to stiffen things up, it's not done a lot of hours so far, but it's looking like a respectable job, so far!

When I was in Kazakhstan a few years back one of the expats imported a Jaguar, XJ6 I think, anyway,
when the front wheel bearings collapsed a local machinist, Starry (Old, he was bloody old!) Sasha re machined the hubs to take local bearings. Off a UAZ369 4x4 I think.


I had the same flywheel problem with my CS, I blocked up a 10 ton bottle jack horizontally with the base away from the big end and a piece of 2" id tube over the shaft then lashed it together with the heaviest chain I had in a 'figure of eight' around the spokes and gave it the beans, with a bit of 2lb hammer and the ATF / acetone it shifted both flywheels.



Listeroid Engines / Re: Spun the rod bearing, CRANKSHAFT is FUBAR
« on: January 17, 2024, 05:56:14 PM »
Hi All

After a good nights kip it came to me, the home made ally bearing was 'Starfire'

Worth a look......


Listeroid Engines / Re: Spun the rod bearing, CRANKSHAFT is FUBAR
« on: January 16, 2024, 05:38:13 PM »
Hi All
I can't remember who, but someone on here put up a thread where he sorted out the crankshaft and then made his own bearings from a piece of aluminium plate......


Hi Three Reefs

Welcome to the forum.

Depending on your choice of prime mover this thread, covering how I fitted a starter to my CS might be of interest, there's lots of other stuff on the forum, search 'Starters, Starter Motors' etc. also you can follow the links towards the end of the thread


Listeroid Engines / Re: Lubrication port beside the decompression lever.
« on: December 31, 2023, 04:18:19 PM »
Hi All

The main bearings on my 3,6,8 / 1 CS Bitza were very badly worn so i replaced them with taper roller bearings and Loctite, 610 I think, as it had the oil pump I diverted the some of flow to the main bearings to the the dry side of the cam, everywhere has plenty now,,,,,

i have no leak from the cam bearing, or the mains, I believe the one way valve on the cover is doing it's job and keeping a slight vacuum in the crank case.

Happy new year to one and all


General Discussion / Re: Another 6/1 project
« on: December 01, 2023, 08:11:34 AM »
Hi Both,

It must be a world wide problem, 'cos it's the same up here in the  Pyrenees!

I've just finished the block work for a very small generator she (3.5m by 1.5m, space is tight up here) to house the 6/1 CS bitza. Less than 3 days work a few years back, now a fortnight.....

However, as Maurice Chevalier said when asked how he viewed old age 'It's better than the alternative'


Lister Market Place (things for Sale) / Re: Large Blackstone
« on: August 11, 2023, 03:42:25 PM »
Hi All

We took 4 of them out of HMS Beagle in around 2002 when it was converted to a charter yacht.

Two went to New Zealand, as spares for HMS Bulldog,a sister ship,which was also undergoing conversion, one was robbed of anything useful by the owner of an ex fleet tender that had the same unit as the main propulsion and the other was scrapped,

Beagle had four eight cylinder units, coupled in pairs, as main propulsion. these were retained.

It's shame I didn't know then what I don't know now!


General Discussion / Re: Outage - July/Aug 2023
« on: August 05, 2023, 10:26:24 AM »
A big thank you to Ade and Mobile Bob for keeping it all together


And the same from me, especially the grin!!


Engines / Re: Lister CEM 2 Cylinder Cold Lay Up Advice
« on: March 07, 2023, 08:39:40 AM »
Hi Chris
Welcome to the forum.

if it's possible remove the air filter, turn the engine over and squirt a large portion of WD 40 in the intake with the engine decompressors engaged. if you don't have decompressors (i'm not familiar with your engine) turning by hand is best, if you use the battery / starter there's a good chance she'll fire up and run on the WD40.

Seal off as many of the pipes that you have removed and keep them in a clean dry place, then more importantly, seal off any openings in the engine that you have created.

Release the decompressors, if appropriate, and turn the engine until it stops on a compression stroke, at least one of the cylinders will be shut off from the atmosphere. Then seal the air inlet AND the exhaust - ram a rag up it, but leave it close to the outside as a 'tell tale' for the day when you restart.

Disconnect the battery, if the barge is still afloat get a couple of old anodes (appropriate for fresh or salt water, depending on your berth) and hang them fore and aft, earthed to the hull (assuming it's made of steel / iron!) doubly important if you're moored alongside a steel jetty / pontoon or sheet piling. Don't Leave the shore power on when the barge is unattended, stray currents can cause havoc even with decent anodes fitted - ask me how I know.....

There's almost certainly more, but that'll help some, good luck with the refit.


General Discussion / Re: Electric car question
« on: February 21, 2023, 04:28:44 PM »
Hi All
Are we on the brink of a CS revival? All we need to do is get the clip Veggie found to go viral and we might all be cashing in.

As the price  of houses plummets in the UK and Europe maybe old Listers are coming back in......

I've got two and a half of them and over 1000 litres of filtered veg oil!


Listeroid Engines / Re: Starting a lister st2 engine on a dumper
« on: January 27, 2023, 10:43:37 PM »
Hi All

Been there. done that, now I have arrows too!


General Discussion / Re: Electric car question
« on: January 07, 2023, 08:18:21 AM »
Hi All

Probably not the correct place to post this but it does follow on from the Royal Mail video and makes me wonder what else is going on we don't know about.......

Cheers Stef

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