« on: June 30, 2024, 09:03:43 PM »
There is some information in David Edgington's book The Lister CS Story but my copy has gone missing. The flywheels for cast iron piston 5/1 and 6/1 and twin counterparts have more off set weight than the trapezoid disk flywheels for an 8/1 and 16/2. Any round spoke flywheel will be weighted for cast iron pistons, any lightweight trapezoid disk flywheel will be for aluminum. The heavy SOM type flywheels could be either. Another thing on a twin is you must be certain you have the correct keyway orientation. The #1 side of a twin is the same as a coresponding HP (per cylinder) single but the #2 side is keyed 180 opposite. To check for correct key position decompress both cylinders and rotatebthe engine until one cylinder is at at overlap, the exhaust valve just closing, intake just opening. At that point the off set weight on that side should be down and the other side should be up.