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Topics - needenginerunnin

Pages: [1]
Engines / another U Tube danger cs
« on: March 01, 2009, 04:13:49 PM »
this guy must have a death wish or sumart, just shouldnt be let loose with a cs.


p.s. does look like he has a start o matic in bits in the back ground

Lister Based Generators / mounts
« on: December 15, 2008, 08:03:13 PM »
evening all

i was wondering what sort of anti-vibe mount to sit my cs genset on?
with there being a fair bit of energy to control something like land rover engine mounts several of them to start of with.
the set will be close to my neighbours so, i am thinking that a second layer of protection.
what is anybody out there using?
lenghts of hydraulic pipe, rubber door stops, hose pipe, axle bump stop.......
my guess is that if you get the wrong sort of rubber or what ever, it would make it worse and bounce about like a jack rabbit.

cheers needenginerunnin

Original Lister Cs Engines / sump plug
« on: July 24, 2008, 01:49:05 PM »
evening all

Does anybody know the size and thread type of the sump drain plug on an old 6/1 cs?

Everything else / noise levels
« on: July 17, 2008, 08:47:33 PM »
evening all

has anybody in the uk, had any trouble with there neighbours reguarding noise coming from generator sets in outbuildings etc.
anybody know what the DB levels are for private gardens and none profit makeing electric generation?
any info would be helpful  ;D

Lister Based Generators / cs 6/1 gen size
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:32:54 PM »
evening all
another newbie here.
i am a cs owner, and are just about to start and build a gen set for my self. i was lucky enuf to buy an origanal 6/1 with som flywheels with no grooves in.
i have read with interest the thread about gen sizeing, and lots of people seem to go for the ST5. what i am wondering is it worth going one better and get a ST7.5 instead. i understand that at low load levels the electric made with a ST7.5 can be poor. but is the extra top end power worth it, as i have som flywheels etc.
does anybody out there run a ST7.5 head on a 6/1?
cheers for now

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