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Topics - Lister Rob

Pages: [1]
Listeroid Engines / 1967 6-1 2.5 kw startomatic brushes
« on: October 28, 2021, 03:01:30 AM »
hi, i was going to change the brushes in my 2.5 kw 1967 6-1 startomatic but i looked at stationary engine parts but there are a few different ones  listed and was wondering if someone new the right brushes to get. i was also looking at there water drain peacock as mine was leaking and there are a number of ones listed as well with different treads. any help to get the right ones ordered or a part number from there site would be great, thanks

Lister Based Generators / 6-1 voltage help
« on: May 07, 2019, 03:49:54 AM »
Hi, I have a 6-1 lister and having trouble with my voltage. the voltage is producing 70 volts and not sure what to check or how to adjust the voltage. I took ever wire and connector out and cleaned the connections one by one making sure not to put any thing in the wrong spot and made sure every wire was tight in the control box and is still putting out 70 volts. there is a component in the box that looka like you can adjust it. it a spool of wire about 3 inches long with a band over it with wires attached. not sure if that's the part that need adjusting .i will try to ad pics tks

Generators / 6-1 voltage help
« on: April 27, 2019, 02:49:36 PM »
I have a startomatic 6-1 lister and it is putting out 75 volts on the plug in the off grid cottage. not sure what to check for in the control box. hope some of you guys can help direct me in the right direction. tell me what the readings are for some components and sorry to ask maybe someone may have a picture or link of the components, thanks so much.

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: stratomatic 6-1 power hertz
« on: April 23, 2019, 01:55:14 PM »
 I have a 6-1 startomatic and live in Canada, the generator is producing 50 hertz but the appliances here are 60 hertzs, I pluged in my tv and smoked that and is not working any more. Is there anything I can do to change the output from 50 to 60 hertzs.  Thanks.

Original Lister Cs Engines / stratomatic 6-1 oiling
« on: April 08, 2019, 08:33:23 PM »
 On the hub before the flywheel on both sides there a screw on top of the hub. Is this for oiling or just oiling on a rebuild. I change the oil regularly but was wondering if I have to add oil to this location and is there any other areas for oiling . I know you have to grease the cam and the bearings on the generator on both sides, Thanks.

Original Lister Cs Engines / re gas in fuel
« on: February 06, 2013, 03:21:28 AM »
Hi Guys, I have a original lister 6-1 start-omatic with a 15 gallon fuel tank. I was told if you put  1/2 a liiter of gas in the diesel when the tank is fuill this will help in cold starts. Just wondering if this is true seeing i did not want to damage my engine. Any coments  of questions will be great. Thanks Lister rob.

Original Lister Cs Engines / 6-1
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:00:16 AM »
Hi Guys, just wondering if i started my lister 6-1 when cold with the decompression

turned out will it hurt anything. Like breaking the rings or something. Thanks Robert.

Original Lister Cs Engines / re 6-1 seals
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:50:51 AM »

 Hi guys. I was wondering  if anybody used a different seal on the outer crank instead of the felts ones on my 6-1 lister that are leaking. Any info will be great. Thanks Rob.

Original Lister Cs Engines / 6-1 muffler
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:27:37 AM »
 Hi Guys, i was going to make a muffler out of a regular propane tank for my 6-1 lister. I was wondering when you cut the hole on each end of the tank how long should the pipe be inside the tank and do you block both ends of the pipe inside and have holes in the pipe. I read alot of post on here in the past but couldn,t see anything on this subject. Any other info on how to make the muffler will be great to know. Thanks alot Rob.

Original Lister Cs Engines / re 6-1 lister
« on: May 13, 2011, 03:34:57 AM »
  Hi guys, i was going to change some parts on the lister oil system like a outside indian oil filter and in the sump the oil screen filter. just woundering if the indian parts have the same threads so fittings are the same. another question will a fuei injection nozzle be the same as the lister 6-1. thanks so much Lister Rob.

Original Lister Cs Engines / re starting
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:16:09 AM »
Hi Guys, i started up the lister 6/1  over the weekend and left the compression valve screwed in possision for 4 hours, Do you think this will cause any damage buy leaving it in. I have another question, to decoke the carbon of the piston a guy told me to spray automotive intake valve cleaner in when cold and wait10 minutes and start it up,He said you will see alot of grey smoke for awhile and will be great after. Has anybody tried this, thanks so muck. Lister Rob.

Original Lister Cs Engines / lister 6-1 startomatic
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:27:59 AM »
 Hi guys, i have a original lister startomatic 6.1  and am  having trouble in the control box. Before when starting every thing was fine but now the power will not come on unless i take the panel of the control box and push in on the middle round component on top . The component in the book on page 27 is maked N. Can you adjust this relay or do somebody know of a fix for this problem. Thanks guys if somebody can help. Robert.

Original Lister Cs Engines / oiling a 6-1
« on: May 14, 2009, 05:55:25 AM »
 hi guys, i read in a post here that there is a spot on the head to add oil and i can,t seem to find it. It said that there was a hole to add 50 mls of oil  close to the lifters.  i filled the valve gides with oil  and greased the rocker shaft, grease in the push rod tops and was wondering where this hole is or am i mistaken. if so does anyone have a picture so i can see and if there are other spots that would be great to know also. thanks.

General Discussion / cs 6-1 start omatic gen.
« on: August 17, 2008, 11:28:54 PM »
Hi guys, i was going to rebuild my cs 6-1 startomatic 2.5 kw gen. and  i never had it apart before and was wondering what was involved . I know of the brushes and bearings but is there anyting else i need to know, like a better brush or bearing or other parts or tricks for installing parts. And is there another way to boost the voltage besides increasing the rpm. Any help will be great. Lister Rob.

Original Lister Cs Engines / cs 6-1
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:49:46 AM »
 I have a cs 6-1 and the rad hose broke and got hot, let cool down and never had any compression. Took it down and the head was cracked, replaced that with new pis. rings .I measured the ring gap of the new rings at the bottom of the cyilinder and the gap was 18 thousand, the book said no less than 12 thousand. Put it back together and is burning blue smoke. I homed and cleaned the cyilinder, is there a front or back to the pis. posistion. I have the no. on the rod faceing the oil cover and the dipper is faceing broud side but the book says it sould be end on and cut like a nife but i was afraid to move back because i might not get any or much oil splashing.I thought about putting in 10 thousand over side rings but i was not sure and it maybe to tight .Any info. will be great thanks.
Lister Rob.

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