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Topics - madlabs

Pages: [1]
Lister Based Generators / TR2 oil dipstick
« on: November 28, 2024, 10:46:27 PM »
Hey All,

I recently bought an actual Lister-Petter dipstick for my TR2. It came with no markings on it at all. What is up with that?

Secondly, I have the oil filled to 4 liters and it is barely on the dipstick at all, like maybe 1/8". Should I have more that 4 liters in a TR2? That is what the manual says.


General Discussion / Lister-Petter Americas contact info
« on: December 02, 2019, 05:41:36 PM »
Hi All,

I'm sure it is because I am bad at searching but I can't seem to find a number for Lister-Petter Americas. The two I have found, one is dead and the other started by asking me if I am 60 to qualify for a "special bonus".

I need to order some parts!


Lister Based Generators / Lister TS2, insufficient oil in valve cover
« on: November 15, 2019, 05:24:49 PM »
HI All,

Pulled the valve cover today on the Lister TS2 and it appears there isn't enough oil making it to the top. One valve had at least some oil coming out of the little hole on the rocker arm but the other doesn't. Oil pressure to the top seems ok, when cracking the banjo fitting near the valve cover plenty of oil came out.

There is a little tube that comes up from where the oil enters the valve cover. It splits into two and appears to dive into the head, presumably to exit on the rocker arms. Can I pull the little tube assembly out to clean? Or can I blow through it in place? Both cylinders show the same oil pattern. 

Lister Based Generators / Lister TS2A, need parts. Who in USA is good?
« on: October 20, 2019, 10:23:30 PM »
Hi All,

I'm looking for a good parts source here in the US. Currently I need a fuel line and a couple other items. Any recommendations on who to deal with?


Lister Based Generators / Lister TS2 generator
« on: October 08, 2019, 04:44:02 PM »
Hi All,

I am the new owner of a TS2 based generator with an Allmand gen head. I did quite a bit of work on marine diesels but it was many years ago and I have never worked on a Lister/Petter.

It is running OK and producing power. I have been poring through the manual and I do not understand the fuel system. It appears the fuel delivery lines go to the injectors, not to the fuel pump. So, how does the fuel pump pressurize and time the fuel delivery? Are the high pressure lines that come down to the injectors from the fuel pump hydraulic lines that activate the injectors?


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