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Topics - Maxjasper

Pages: [1]
Listeroid Engines / 12/1 Lovson listeroid valve guides difference
« on: December 07, 2024, 09:49:16 PM »
I am replacing valve guides on my stock 12/1 Lovson listeroid. I have seen some posts on here about valve guides especially about lubrication (splash and splash with holes in the guides). The valves that I am replacing have the lubrication hole just within the recess of the lubricant well directly under the springs. The intake and exhaust are about 3/16 different in total length (3-1/16 and 3-1/4) and protrude at the bottom into the chamber about 3/8th of an inch each.  The ones that I have in one of my rebuild kits from I think from  central Maine diesel don’t have the lube holes and are longer in length (3-5/8 and 4-1/4).  The new ones would protrude into the chambers roughly 1/2” longer on the intake and 3/4” on the exhaust.  The exhaust is also bored out about 3/4 of a of an inch on the bottom side beyond where the valve slides.The new ones also will be protruding from the seat roughly 1/8 more on the intake and 1/4” on the exhaust.  I will attempt to send a photo. They seem to want to easily slide in to be pressed.

But what I am asking, of course, is this variant common and will these replacements be an issue? Has anybody run into this with the commonly available set of valve guides or is there a supplier of valve guides closer to original that I need to find?

Listeroid Engines / Lovson 12/1 valve clearance?
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:17:18 PM »
Wondering if anybody knows the intake and exhaust valve clearances/adjustment for a 12/1Lovson listeroid? Thank you very much!

Listeroid Engines / Lovson 12/1 manual?
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:14:05 PM »
Could anybody tell me where I can get a manual for a 12/1 Lovson listeroid. Purchased around 2006.  Thank you!!

Listeroid Engines / Lovson 12/1 bump clearance??
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:11:24 PM »
Can somebody out there tell me the bump clearance for a 12/1 Lovson listeroid. 1000rpm, aluminum piston. Thank you!

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