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Topics - snail

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Lister Market Place (things for Sale) / Dursley 10/2 on ebay australia
« on: February 19, 2014, 09:04:38 AM »
G'day guys,
          Sadly selling my 10/2 :'(  . http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/231160902446?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
If you win it and mention this site I'll throw in as many extras as I can think of !



Lister Based Generators / Direct coupled DC startomatic
« on: April 25, 2008, 06:04:20 AM »
Found this today, more background information.Very good quality video.


Apologies if this is old news.



Listeroid Engines / dynamic balancing
« on: February 12, 2007, 04:09:48 AM »
Hi all,
        I've just had my original 10/2 dynamically balanced. the results were interesting (well, I thought so :) )  I've ended up with 400+g removed from one flywheel at 11 o clock (counterweight at 12) and 218g removed from the other one at 3 O' clock
 We went for 52% balance factor cos that seems to be the consensus on this forum.
        It will be interesting to see the results as this was previously a bad shaker. Interestingly,the "balance speed" (natural frequency?) was around 360 -380 RPM. I thought that was surprisingly close to 1/2 of 650 RPM. I may be talking crap here as I know nothing about balancing and the observed frequency may be dependent on the balancing machine (spring rate) used.
      Now I've got no excuse not to put the old girl back together!



Original Lister Cs Engines / Rott k9's JP18/2
« on: October 04, 2006, 02:14:44 AM »
 There are photos on coppermine posted by "rottk9" of a Lister JP18/2.
Would the aforementioned Rott please raise his hand? I would like to know a lot more about these engines as they seem to have a few advantages over a typical CS.Please fill us in with the details!



Original Lister Cs Engines / Metal spraying cranks
« on: September 26, 2006, 01:53:49 AM »
Hi all,
      I have a bit of a dilemma and need some experienced advice:
Having finally pulled the crank from my 10/2, I find the centre main and one big end have already been built up. Size and suface are good but the radius isn't there on either of them.Actually, the surface drops away by around 10 or 20 thou at the edge of each journal.The outer mains are undersize and will need building up.
      My question is this: What's the best plan of action?

a) have the outer mains metal sprayed  and leave the other journals as they are.

b) grind off all of the existing repairs and have the whole lot redone (never dealt with metal spraying, would it be possible to build up the radius? What's the adhesion like? Will it weaken things ?)

c) Fit an Indian crank.I have to bring in some Indian spares soon anyway, a crank will boost the freight bill though.Might ask for an oversize or unfinished one and get it ground here.

All observations are welcome.I'll be approaching the appropriate engineering shops for advice over the next couple of weeks.



Other Slow Speed Diesels / instant divorce
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:35:01 AM »
Lifted this from ebay:

To be sold on the basis of “as is – where is”. The buyer will need to collect this item as it is just a bit big to mail. The buyer will need to organise crane and transport. It was originally installed in the power station at Mallacoota (VIC), where it spent many years of service driving the alternator that comes with the engine. The engine was well maintained over this time by a dedicated engineer who manned the power station. It was still running and providing power to Mallacoota when it was decommissioned in 1972 after the SEC completed its supply of reticulated electricity to the township. Since its removal from the power station building, the engine has been kept coated with preservative products, oiled and tarped up.

Specifications for the 9XHRCE oil engine.


R.P.M. 265


BORE 12½ inches

STROKE 22 inches

FLYWHEEL DIAMETER 7 feet – 3 inches



ENGINE MASS 13,000 kg (nominal)

Please note dimensions before you bid ! Make sure you have room. The buyer will need to be prepared for a major project. To do the job properly, concrete foundations need to be made and lots of setting up is required. This is no ten minute project but a major undertaking for a serious collector or museum. Those prepared to put in the hard work will be rewarded with a beautiful old oil engine. Have full set of new Ruston Hornsby tranfers/decals ready to go on your new paint job.

Finished a while ago for Au$17000.dream on...


Listeroid Engines / Increased efficiency take 2
« on: August 11, 2006, 05:20:53 AM »
Don't know enough about blowers etc to comment, but back on the fuel efficiency thing:take a look at the consumption figures in:


there's 10% straight away. Anyone got some superglue for these fins? ;D Personally I'm all for the quiet life.
If anyone wants it, I could rescan this at better resolution. Guy, would this be any use on your site? I could email them at full size if you like.



Listeroid Engines / 12/2 comparisons
« on: July 16, 2006, 10:31:48 AM »
     I bought a Powerline 12/2 a while ago, and in general I'm pretty happy with it. I didn't pull the (plain) mains or pistons on the initial cleanup but everything appears fine so far.You know what it's like though, that voice that haunts you saying "should've done the proper job...", well now I may have the chance to right the wrong.I now have a backup for the listeroid in the form of a genuine 10/2 Lister of around 1940 vintage. As the Dursley product is going to get a thorough going over before taking over from the indian version, strikes me that I have an opportunity for a pretty detailed comparison.
     Stop me if this has been done before, but I'm sure some of you guys will have some questions that I may be able to answer. One thing that springs to mind is the balance factor.A friend of mine has been itching to get the crank and flywheels onto his dynamic balancer since he first saw the listeroid.As well as the odd pro stock crank that passes over his machine, he has done a number of vintage jobs such as model T's and a straight 8 Hudson (from memory). The owners report a much better feel to the motors and even possibly a power increase which they attribute to the motor not "fighting itself" due to crank flexing etc. I'm not qualified to judge this, but I would imagine their bearings will last longer if everything is balanced. Even if we don't improve things we can at least accurately measure  the balance factor and compare rod weights etc.
    I'm certainly up to measuring the actual compression ratios, and have access to some pretty good measuring gear. I know that the motor is around 65 years old, but I'm sure we can draw some conclusions about how good Mr Lister was.Metallurgy is a bit beyond me, but I know where there is a hardness tester and someone who knows how to use it.What else would you guys like to know?
     I'm not out to dethrone anyones deities here, and feel free to question my measurements, but I (we) have to give it a try, dont we? BTW,they don't call me snail for nuthin', this may take some time!



Original Lister Cs Engines / Aircooled VA version
« on: July 06, 2006, 11:39:43 AM »
       Came across some info(dated 1976) on the air cooled version of the 8/1, otherwise known as the VA.It appears to share most of the dimensions of it's watercooled brother except for the obvious.Has anyone got any photo's of these monsters? I'd imagine it's a noisy and ugly brute but it's listed as using 10% less fuel and 30% less lube oil than the kettle version.I assume it's pulling a big fan which makes the fuel efficiency  even more surprising. Presumably everything runs a bit hotter without the water, which must help.Did this cause any other problems? I'd guess that they weren't too popular judging by the current scarcity.Do our Indian brethren make them?
      Don't worry,I'm not going to glue fins on mine ;) , just interested.



Listeroid Engines / why the large tappet clearances?
« on: February 28, 2006, 11:44:25 PM »
Could someone please explain the theory behind the large :o tappet clearances on my 12/2? The book says .017 and .032 Which is the same as the original Lister.If I set them both to .005 cold they open up to .013 hot.This implies that they could be set to zero cold as per some other motors (But I'm not game to try it! ;D) Is there any advantage  to the bigger numbers or did Mr Lister just like the sound?


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