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Topics - Peter C.

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Its been a while!

So here is my situation-
I have a Lister ST3 that needs engine repair, metal flakes in the oil... It currently has a bolt on 15 KW single phase gen head. I also have a 6.5 KW Honda Generator that I am currently running, my backup. My shop is off grid and I have a 790 Amp Hour battery bank that I charge when I run the Generator. Eventually this charging will be supplemented by Solar Panels.

I currently have 3 machines that are wired 3 phase. The biggest motor is 10 HP and the smallest is 2 or 3, can't remember. I use this machine the most. I'm running 2 with VFD's right now and to run the 10 HP motor I will need to get another VFD. I would rather not use a rotary phase converter because I don't like the limitations that presents.

Given the cost of the new VFD (about $1000.00) and my current generator situation I've started to seriously consider upgrading my wiring to 3 phase. I imagine I will end up with more 3 phase machines over the next few years.

So, This leads me to what I am thinking:
I would like to keep the ST3 because it is a great but loud motor. Is there a bolt up 3 phase Gen head I can use? I'm also thinking that I would like to use a 2 Generators system to produce my total power requirements. I'm thinking 2 @ 10 KW each or possibly 1 @ 15 KW and the other @ 10 KW. From what I understand, when both are running, I will be able to start and run the 10 HP motor. When I'm using smaller machines and charging the batteries, I can run 1 generator. Can anyone recommend a synchronizer for the Generators? Is that a fairly straight forward installation?

I would sure appreciate anyones thoughts or ideas on how to do this and If its a good idea or not.

Engines / ST3 Rebuild
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:16:22 AM »
Its been a while sense I've been here. I bought a used ST3 Gen Set about 3 years ago and its looking like I need to do an over hall on it. I went to change the oil and there was metal suspended in the oil. It wasn't running smooth either. I'm thinking it is a valve/piston problem because one cylinder didn't seem to have good compression.

I'm thinking of taking the top end apart first. I have a manual but is there anything I should be aware of? Does anybody know a good machinist in the Sacramento or Reno areas? What kind of Money am I looking at for a good rebuild? Parts and machine work. I'm figuring I can do the tare down, cleaning and assembly.

Thanks for any help and pointers....


Lister Based Generators / using REDLINE fuel treatment in a ST3
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:40:06 AM »
I'm wondering if using RedLine Fuel treatment is a good thing to do. I've used it in newer diesels but nothing this old. Anbody use it? Do or don't recomend it?
Thanks for the help

Hi guys-
 I am hardwiring my new /old st3 15KW gen set into my shop. I finished installing panels and mains today, so I decided I'd check volts at the panels. Seems I'm getting 250.4VAC (holds pretty steady). I know grid power fluctuats but is 250 a little to high?
My florecents seem to like it as they are a little brighter than normal. I was thinking I would leave it that high because when I run more than one machine or my welders the motor slows just a bit. Any thoughts? I dont have a tester for cycles, other than florecent lights and they burn just fine. Only reason I ask is don't want to burn anything out, before its time...

Thanks for the help ;D

Original Lister Cs Engines / New to me Lister air cooled gen set
« on: May 11, 2009, 04:46:42 AM »
Well, I went and did it. As some of you may recall, I asked about parts for a 70's version lister gen sets.... Well...I went and got one!!!
Yes, I'm happy ;D I'm think it was a smoking deal :o
Same style as engine / generator posted in the "sale" section, "Lister on ebay..." .
It's a 15Kw with a 21HP engine. If it where 3 phase I would have gotten exactly what I wanted...
Its going to need a little TLC though...
I will post pics and questions in the next few days. I'm going to pick it up Monday!!!
Any ideas on part and manuals available in California? I've seen the Lister web site for dealers in Bakersfield... I'm in the Sierra Foothills outside Sacramanto.
This one is not a runner as of yet but I'm thinking a clean out of the fuel system (fuel pump, jets, filter if it has one, etc.) may fix this. This unit will become stationary, so I will be putting a bigger muffler on it. Also, any other suggestions for making it quieter will be welcome :) Its air cooled so a dog house will be trickier...

I'm also going to need a manual. From what I've found so far, I believe its a TR3 engine.

I'm looking at a air cooled 20HP engine with a integral gen set.
How hard is it to find parts for these? I am pretty sure the fuel pump is not working and there may be other parts needing replacement and repair. Any advice to a newbie for these type gen sets? What kind of price should consider?

Peter C.

I'm new here, so my intro will be several questions to get me going.
I am looking at running my Wood and Metal arts studio on a generator. I talked to the power co. about getting grid tied and was given the run around... and told to bend over. ouch!!!
My biggest draw to date will be my welder at 50 Amps. 220VAC, and an old blacksmiths power hammer with a 5HP 220VAC motor with about 28 Amp cont. current. Ussually, I will have only one machine on or in use at a time.
My studio is 2500 Sq. ft. and area and task lights will be part of the equasion.

I'm thinking a 15KW 3 phase Gen Head with a 24/2 Listeroid will do the trick. My concern is how do these Listeroids hold up? I don't mind tinkering... Thats what I do... But I also need to be able to count on performance. ultimatly, I will be building a house on the land. So far my well and small dwelling run on PV panels just fine. So I don't mind nixxing the power co. As far as running the gen set, I'm figuring about 3/4 time during the day and a few hours in the eve when the house is built.

So, in a nut shell,
How do these motors hold up?
What is a good source/brand to buy?
Will my discribed configuration work?
How well do they run on waste Vegi oil?
What should I look out for?
What kind of Maintinance can I expect?

I know ther are a lot of questions, sorry.

I'm at a point were I realy need to do something because my 6.5KW Honda just can't do it anymore.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
Peter C.

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