Your care runs out when your money runs out.
The current system is flat unworkable.
Because costs are rising at about 22% per year, year over year.
It's stupid.
And why are costs rising so fast? Can you say "malpractice insurance"? I would love to see a cost breakdown of a doctor's costs year by year. I'm betting that those "greedy insurance companies" may not be so much the villain after all. I know there are some real doctors on here. What do they have to say?
You seem like a nice guy, but I find myself disagreeing with you a lot
I hope you don't mind
First, I have nothing to do with Social Security and Medicare. zip, zilch, nada. I pay no SS taxes, and no benefits from uncle sam will be coming my way when I retire. I have an ss number, but as far as ss is concerned I only exist. No taxes, no benefits. To me Social Security is just plain wrong.
Second, my $200 a month church sponsered medical plan, which would be phased out under obamacare BTW, has always been upfront and helpful and administered locally, not by some bureaucrat. Also covers my entire family BTW. Why would I want a government plan?
Third, if my house catches fire, the nice firemen who will put it out for me won't expect a dime for their effort. We have over a dozen small locally operated,
volunteer fire companies in a ten mile radius. very fast, very professional, absolutely dedicated to their job, and not because they're getting paid for it. I have a lot of respect and admiration for them, having seen them in action many times. The cops will be paid of course, and i don't begrudge them that. But even the EMT/ambulance crew is a volunteer service around here
Most of the truly important jobs in all cultures are done in a socialist fashion. I am so sorry and concerned that my neo conservative associates can’t or won’t see this simple truth. It would be a beautiful world if good works people would come forward and do the difficult tasks but they don’t. Hence we, like all societies now and in history, opt for the socialist model.
Yes, government is socialistic in nature. That's why we don't want much of it!! And if you start getting people to rely on the gov for services they should be doing themselves it's very very hard to turn it back. Don't believe me? why don't you vist some of the welfare communities? It would open your eyes I'm sure.
The bottom line here is that gov wants to grow bigger, not smaller, and someone else will be gaining more control over your life. For the life of me I can't understand why that concept is so hard to grasp. Again, someone else will be making the decisions for you, decisions that only you should be making. For me, that's not acceptable.
Or to put it another way, I don't want more gov in my life precisely
because of the gov I already have. I've had to deal with USPS, Amtrak, IRS, and we've often had to deal with the local township, as well as the county. Try getting some accountability out of any of them. A corporation you can at least tell to go to you-know-where. Try doing that with a gov entity.
The latest example is a letter sent out to all businesses informing them that effective immediately all work done on the home by an outside contractor, totaling over $500 in value must be preceded by a signed contract, and effective immediately all contractors who do over $500 worth of work in a month must be registered with the state in order to "protect the consumer" And you need to pay X amount to renew the registration, blah,blah,blah
Oh yah, we want to protect the consumer,
Or how about PA's "stuffed toy registration law" where any person making and selling a stuffed toy will need to apply for a permit to do so? And will need to apply for and receive a number to affix to the teddy bear or whatever so that if some poor kid chokes on the toy "we can go back and determine if all applicable safety laws were followed in making the toy"
Really?!? How about some consumer responsibility?!??
Again, the argument that "more gov is okay because we already have a lot of gov to start with" is total crap IMO
Health care is a life and death situation just like house fires and assaults. This proposed program is a health insurance answer something like Medicare where the government pretty much stays out of the doctor’s offices and hospitals. And no I don’t believe the rhetoric of President Obama about lower costs and efficiencies. But if you believe this government can or would install death councils and survive then I urge you to get off the computer right now and go find some professional mental health care whether you pay for it by Visa, Blue Cross or Atnea. (If Blue Cross or Atnea finds out though you better hold on to your current policy because they won’t want your new business.) Don’t lose sight of the current health insurance companies that deliver death sentences everyday through “refused service”, “no experimental authorized”, complete policy cancellations and, as above, refusing the business of folks with prior conditions. Insurance companies are a cost plus business model. The more things cost this year the more they can charge next year. 30% more of more is more.
Health care is a life and death situation, absolutely correct. That's why I want to be making the decisions concerning my healthcare, not the gov
And no, the gov will
not be staying out of doctor's offices and medical decisions. "He who pays the piper calls the tune" It works the same way here. Have you even read the bill? Did you see the place where the "health commissar/czar" is tasked with "determining a doctor's pay"? If I were a doctor that would scare the living cr*p out of me. And I think I also saw a couple of places where guidelines are given on when to refuse treatment, and what dollar amount to go by to determine the worth of a life, basically. And regards "death panels", a panel that has the power to evaluate treatment for another human being and either grant it or deny it has, I'm sorry to say, great potential for becoming a death panel. And considering that 52 new boards/panels/bureaucracies will be set up (not a typo) all treatment decisions will be fast and effective, right?
In your dreams, that is.
Regards the current insurance companies, how will you be improving things by replacing the drive for money with the drive for power, or even worse, plain old mediocrity?
I know one thing for a fact, I've never become more involved in the political process other than voting every chance I had. I always thought I was doing my duty and that was good enough, this year and the next that's going to change.........
I have the misfortune to have the specter spectacle for my district (note that he doesn't even come close to representing me) and I'm going to be doing everything I can to get his sorry keister kicked out next year. And while I'm at it I'll probably be seeing what I can do to help some other challengers in some districts. reid, boxer, and pelosi opponents come to mind.....
Ther is a big march planned on DC tomorrow. May be interesting......