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Messages - AndyD

Pages: [1]
Lister Market Place (things for Sale) / Re: Wanted in Fife Area
« on: April 30, 2024, 05:39:32 PM »
Only looking for a generator not an engine.

Lister Market Place (things for Sale) / Wanted in Fife Area
« on: December 17, 2023, 02:57:40 PM »
Does anyone have a pump or generator for sale I could run from my Lister D.
Happy for anything in a working condition and also happy to totally strip and rebuild.
I'm in Kirkcaldy, Fife so can collect if reasonably local.

Engines / Re: Gib key removal
« on: July 09, 2023, 11:23:52 AM »
It took me many weeks to get my Gib Key out.
Strong-backs, wedges, heat, cold, big hammers, penetrating oil, etc.etc.
Eventually bought a Gib Key remover and that eventually got the job done but I think the constant trying over a period definitely helped.
(Picture of the type used attached)

Engines / Re: RS1 Coil Values
« on: July 04, 2023, 01:21:45 PM »
I can only assume it was some moisture somewhere so fingers crossed it stays dry 😳

Engines / Re: RS1 Coil Values
« on: July 03, 2023, 12:24:10 PM »
Well rechecked everything twice and still no spark. So sat the magneto in front of a fan heater for half an hour and hey presto it sparks like a good-un.
Engine now starts with half a turn of the handle every time. Had a few fuel leaks to sort but easy done.
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Engines / RS1 Coil Values
« on: June 23, 2023, 10:59:36 AM »
Hi and thank you for letting me join.
I have just stripped cleaned and rebuilt my first Lister D but cannot get it to run.
Fuel seems good as I can smell it coming out of the exhaust so I suspected the spark was bad.
Cleaned up the points and set them, fitted a new condenser and have a new HT lead and plug.
I suspect either the coil is duff or the new condenser is.
The condenser does seem to charge up with a multi-meter set to MΩ and discharge when set to Volts.
The coil resistances (when disconnected) are 4500Ω on both coils to the earth connection and 0.8Ω from the coil wire to earth (see attachment).
When assembled both sides of the points are continuous to earth even when they points are open.
I can't find any of the document showing what good resistance values should be.
Any help greatly appreciated. ???

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