General Discussion / Re: Methings we need a new category, "How to"
« on: July 16, 2006, 06:57:36 PM »
I kinda agree. DIY is something that the lack of tooling and know-how at the local home store stifles. I bet there are a ton of people who would like to go back to "the old way" and just cannot find the support to get their feet wet without breaking the bank re-discovering things.
A Lister is a good place to start, and I think a compilied and concise How-To filled with the enormous volume of otherwise unorganized data held here, would be a great boon for all. A quicker reference for "Our People" and an easier way to learn for the newbies. Open-Source Software is full of how-to's targeted at newbies. This forum, in a sense, is a chunk of Open-Source Life, and the community would benefit greatly by adopting the same model.
I'm somewhere in between, and I can experess first hand the frustration I have when trying to DIY, but "off the shelf crap" is all the vendors can relate or comprehend. "Why are you doing that?" "You're crazy" "What's wrong with you, are you a Terrorist?" "Why can't you just be 'normal' and buy this handy plastic wrapped piece of crap, and then buy one again in a few months." "Is it even leagl to do that?" "You better not talk about it, you're going to get in trouble." I am not a know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination. These obstacles to ingenuity, be they fabricated for the benfit of dispoable corporate resale or just plain ignorance, can be insurmountable for someone trying to break the mold.
This forum has been useful to me on topics not even relating to the Lister (becasue I don't own one yet). It's full of ideas that apply to many things. When I have a problem with my truck(s), a diesel, I come here first. any time I say to msyelf "there's got to be a etter way," this is where I come. I almost always find it.
A Lister is a good place to start, and I think a compilied and concise How-To filled with the enormous volume of otherwise unorganized data held here, would be a great boon for all. A quicker reference for "Our People" and an easier way to learn for the newbies. Open-Source Software is full of how-to's targeted at newbies. This forum, in a sense, is a chunk of Open-Source Life, and the community would benefit greatly by adopting the same model.
I'm somewhere in between, and I can experess first hand the frustration I have when trying to DIY, but "off the shelf crap" is all the vendors can relate or comprehend. "Why are you doing that?" "You're crazy" "What's wrong with you, are you a Terrorist?" "Why can't you just be 'normal' and buy this handy plastic wrapped piece of crap, and then buy one again in a few months." "Is it even leagl to do that?" "You better not talk about it, you're going to get in trouble." I am not a know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination. These obstacles to ingenuity, be they fabricated for the benfit of dispoable corporate resale or just plain ignorance, can be insurmountable for someone trying to break the mold.
This forum has been useful to me on topics not even relating to the Lister (becasue I don't own one yet). It's full of ideas that apply to many things. When I have a problem with my truck(s), a diesel, I come here first. any time I say to msyelf "there's got to be a etter way," this is where I come. I almost always find it.