Hello all,
So I did a lot of searching on the net, and came across a post on another web site,
http://www.microcogen.info/index.php?topic=1604.0 which makes things a little clearer on the air gap on a transformer, I know what there used for..but couldn't find where it was located on my transformer. Everyone that I've looked at ( transformer with air gap ) has had a cut out on the side( one side) like a slot, or where there was two halve spaced apart. My transformer in my Stamford has the air gap on the top , where as the entire top , is unbolted and move up or down to increase or decrease the air gap. Or at least ..I think it does.. The air gap is suppose to be 0.5 mm or 0.020 in.
But I also read the with a transformer type induction system that the volts will also rise , under heavy load...when I tested my gen head it was under a heavy load ( just started my air compressor)....or maybe not...about 8amp of 220 volts where required, as per the name plate on the air compressor.I know start up would be a lot higher ... maybe 12-16 amps, So the question would be...will it rise up to 131 volts per line under this big of a load??.... I don't know, but I'm going to find out.
The temp drop to -15 over night...a far cry from the +15 it was the day before, and it going down to -18 tonight, and stay at -12 tomorrow and then back up in the plus in a couple of day. The weather we've been having is crazy!
The gen is outside ...unheated, so I'll leave it as is until warmer weather. I did start it yesterday afternoon, put a blow torch in the intake and rolled it over, warmed up the chambers a little, and got it going, used it for an hour or so.
Making a little head way.... better then going backwards .. :-)