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Messages - AdeV

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 42
Everything else / Re: lifePO
« on: December 24, 2024, 02:02:14 PM »
I'm not off-grid, although I would like to be one day (or, at least, generating more than I use all year round).

I'd still recommend a BMS, even if you're making a DIY setup. The BMS will spot a cell going bad, for example, before it causes a fire. It will also make sure no cell gets overcharged, or over-discharged. Even with a DIY system, it's a vital safety component - and a good one will give you data as well, so you can see how your battery bank is performing over time.

Listeroid Engines / Re: new unpleasant squeak on my 6/1
« on: December 09, 2024, 11:38:03 PM »
Seems to be in time with the exhaust valve - could it be the lifter, rocker assembly, or even the valve stem itself being a bit dry?

Lister Based Generators / Re: Lister ST1 will not start
« on: December 04, 2024, 10:15:02 AM »
Glad to hear you got her going again!

The moral of the story is: Use a 6/1 instead! No such problems with those engines...  ;D

Engines / Re: What engine have I got
« on: November 27, 2024, 03:16:31 PM »
There should be a maker's plate on it somewhere - although it could be a challenge finding it, let alone photographing it... But if you can find its serial number, we can give you a definitive answer (as well as its age & rating)

General Discussion / Re: Back from the grave,,
« on: November 27, 2024, 03:13:47 PM »
Nice pair of Birmingham Screwdrivers in that first pic!

Everything else / Re: lifePO
« on: November 22, 2024, 09:46:00 AM »
A BMS would be essential even in a mixed serial/parallel setup, I'd suggest. It will do the job of keeping your cells in balance, it should also cut off the power before any cell becomes dangerously undercharged.

Fogstar Batteries is a good place to look around - they might even be worth a call, they seem to know their stuff when it comes to LiFePo4 batteries...


Lister Based Generators / Re: Lister ST1 will not start
« on: November 13, 2024, 01:21:08 PM »
It's possible that the injection pump is not able to produce enough pressure to overcome the injector spring, when it's all bolted up. This would be the case if there was damage within the injector pump (deep scoring on the pump element or body for example). It's possible that when it ran dry, either it sucked a bit of crud in which did the damage, or possibly just the lack of lubrication after the fuel ran out.

First, though, I'd try reconnecting the injector (with it still out of the engine) & give it a fair few cranks again: Just in case it needs to bleed out the injector too. If you still get nothing/very little after a few minutes, then the injector pump would be the next place I'd look. The same place that checked out your injector could probably check out your injection pump too.

Everything else / Re: lifePO
« on: November 11, 2024, 05:02:11 PM »
According to this website: https://www.evlithium.com/Blog/lifepo4-battery-care-guide.html

You should charge at a constant current until the battery reaches its 100% voltage level - then charge at constant voltage until the current is minimal. I suspect, without an actual lifepo4 charger, that would be quite challenging to do...

Not sure about discharge (the link above is vague to the point of uselessness), 10% sounds like a sensible margin. You may be able to pick up a BMS (Battery Management System) which will help in that respect - either by sending a signal to tell you to disconnect the load (or start charging), or by actually disconnecting it.

Lister Based Generators / Re: Lister ST1 will not start
« on: November 05, 2024, 02:58:33 PM »
Could be dirt/debris in the injector, or in the fuel pump.

With the delivery pipe disconnected, are you getting a solid "squirt" of fuel out of the pipe to the injector? Or just a feeble drip or two? If it's not giving a good dollop, I'd suspect the fuel pump.  If the "dollop" is good, try removing the injector, re-connecting it to the line, then give it a crank or three. Are you getting a good mist out of it? If yes, then it's head-scratch time; if not, then there's either dirt or damage in there, making the next step either replacement, or rectification. Repairing an injector is quite challenging I believe, I've never tried it myself.

Everything else / Re: Engine number decoding
« on: October 19, 2024, 07:13:49 PM »
Hi everyone,
It’s been ages since I last posted but am looking for a new project.
It’s a lister-petter AC1 engine, but wanted more information on it if possible.
It’s engine number is 3803856ACR1A23.  6.0 BHP 3000RPM

It’s the R in the engine code that’s confusing me?
What does that mean?
Any other information grateful received. Eg what’s the going price for one of these?

Hey Jon,

R means Radiator Cooling, generally, although it's in a bit of an odd position (I'd expect it after the "1"). Also, isn't the AC1 an air-cooled engine? I've also read somewhere that it was only made in 1985 (at which point it was discontinued), but your engine numbersuggests it's a 1988 model... (38+50).

Short answer, it's a mystery!

Hard to put a value on it; the last one on eBay was an AC1Z (reverse rotation), siezed, and it failed to sell twice for £60. So... not a lot, I'm afraid.

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: Dating a CS engine
« on: October 18, 2024, 11:11:09 PM »
I have restored vehicle engines but never a Lister CS Single cylinder.  I have looked at dating it but the number does not suit the date on the plaque.  It has a cracked cylinder block.  Is it best to replace with new or can it be welded?

Yours is a 1940 engine - they were sequentially numbered from introduction in 1930 through to the end of 1951. All CS models were numbered like this, i.e. the 3, 3.5, 5, 6 HP singles, and the 10/12HP twins. From what I can tell, the JP1/JP2 engines were also in this sequence.

I need to get the engine dating tables up on this site somewhere...

WRT the frost cracking, this is extremely common on CS engines, they were frequently stuck out in unheated sheds/barns/fields, and (especially the tank cooled variety) very rarely, if ever, had antifreeze in them. Lister went so far as to print strict instructions actually on the side of the engine, explaining that the coolant should be drained in freezing weather - I guess people couldn't be bothered towards the end.

They're hard to weld - the bit that breaks is quite thin, where the rest of the casting is pretty heavy. It CAN be done, but it's not easy. There are three simpler options, in increasing order of inconvenience/time:

1) JB Weld, as Hugh suggests. This will work fine, as the cooling system is not pressurised.
2) Braze it back together. Easier than welding, but still a bit of a pain.
3) The many, many, many bolts method...

Option 3 is similar to the "metal stitching" option linked by Hugh. Essentially, you drill through the crack, tap the hole, Thread in a bolt or a bit of threaded rod. Rinse & repeat along the crack, getting the bolts/rod as close together as possible. Next, you drill between each bolt, thread the new hole, screw in bolt/rod. Repeat until you've done all the gaps. Grind down flat, paint, and as long as your threads were decent, enjoy a leak free head! I assume, anyway, I've never done it myself... Fingers crossed, I have one of the few un-cracked cylinders on my CS!

Engines / Re: LD2 Engine Question
« on: September 13, 2024, 10:31:05 AM »
If the problem noise is exhaust, then you could try adding a silencer into the exhaust system, assuming you're not doing water injection.

If the problem noise is mechanical - then sound deadening around the engine is pretty much your only hope. There are various sound deadening products out there - I don't have personal experience of any - which you could line the engine compartment with. Just be aware that, being an air-cooled engine, you will need to make sure that you can get a good supply of cold fresh air into the engine compartment still, which may affect your chances of killing the noise.

Looks like someone's got hold of an email list, as we're getting battered by spam registrations. e.g. see the pic below - 30 registrations, every single one of them spam (even the blue ones that the anti-spam software hasn't tagged).

If I do accidentally let a spammer through, please do report their post(s) as soon as possible, to let me shut them down. But fingers crossed, I'll get 'em all :D

UPDATED: 4th September

Due to the on-going (and, if anything, intensifying) spam attack - I've taken the decision to temporarily suspend new registrations entirely.

I'll re-open it in a week's time & see where we're at: If it's calmed down, then we'll carry on as before.

Everything else / Re: Date Of Manufacture
« on: July 24, 2024, 07:21:44 PM »

 Please advise possible date of manufacture - the Plate says No 197021 SPEC 28 F 2H.

Hi Greg,

The plate would appear to belong to a Lister "D" type engine. I'm no expert with this type, so I can't help with the spec.

The serial number, though, says it was made in 1945.

General Discussion / Re: REGISTRATION ISSUES - Didn't get the email?
« on: June 17, 2024, 09:38:22 AM »
This is still an ongoing issue, unfortunately, I'll update further here if/when I get a resolution.

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