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Messages - zacksstacks

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Alright, sold and taken! Thanks Listerational, I hope you enjoy it as much as I!

As a hobbyist, I built this to power my workshop and for emergency backup power by following the advice found here - thanks gang! Works well to power my welder. No emergency use needed - yet. I has used less than a tank of fuel, so it is probably not or barely broken in.
It is located near Atlanta, GA, USA. I am posting on Craigslist locally and we'll see what happens.

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPX9Mm0GP_w [/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5VcwrSlyko [/youtube]

Power Line 10hp, 1 cylinder diesel engine (Listeroid).
Mounted on steel frame with radiator and 7.5KVA ST alternator.
All bolted to 2200lb concrete block for stability.
Very heavy, not portable! Local sale would be best, obviously.

modern oil filter
modern fuel filter
bronze timing gear
offset timing gear bolt
silenced compresser-type air filter
automobile-type muffler
large radiator
Automobile electric starter.
crankshaft bearing set
piston, cylinder, rings
head gasket
listeroid 2" hollow dipper
voltage regulator (unused)
glow-plug (unused)

Anyone know where to obtain a Listeroid-type cast (or forged) valve covers? I have heard of them but haven't run across them, yet..

« on: February 03, 2011, 03:07:18 AM »
Yay - back up!

Things I want to Buy / Re: Looking for parts for my AD1 Lister-Petter
« on: January 15, 2011, 01:13:31 AM »
I was hoping to locate the pieces to hand-crank the engine. It seems the pieces might still be available separately, but I am hoping a kit might be had with all of them in one group.
A fuel tank might be nice, perhaps a spare injector and fuel pump.

I am open to suggestions...

Things I want to Buy / Looking for parts for my AD1 Lister-Petter
« on: October 27, 2010, 02:51:09 AM »
Anyone have a lead on such things?

Re: Mike Monieth/listeriodusa1 and electric starter system

A while back I visited Mike at his shop in NC - great guy! Really knowledgeable and friendly, and man what a workshop! He turned my Stover-type flywheel for a ring gear which he had in stock. In one step both my major hurdles were passed. After a bit of fabrication I now have an electric-start Powerline 10/1. Can't say I've done much more that test it, but it does crank it over nicely.

Engines / Re: Non Rotating Tappet Fix
« on: November 14, 2008, 01:49:22 AM »

I found my tappet faces were out of square by about .008" on the exhaust and .002" on the intake. The intake would rotate with fiddling the guide, but the exhaust would rotate only a bit and then slip back no matter what. Once the faces were trued they both rotate like mad!

General Discussion / Re: Tall tales, narrow escapes, etc
« on: August 30, 2008, 03:15:19 AM »
Nope, no acetylene pranks for me.

Back in high school a buddy and I got hold of some pamphlets on firework manufacture. They also stepped you through common explosives like gunpowder, nitroglycerin, and some funny stuff made with ammonia  and iodine crystals. We took it easy on the more exotic stuff once we made a batch of guncotton and tried using his mom's dryer lint filter to dry it out. A spark of static set it off, blew the door open! Flaming bits flew across the room into the tray of crude gunpowder and whoosh!!! Instant calamity - all smoke and flames, not much damage! I think we learned a valuable lesson, once we settled down...

Generators / Re: ST Doghouse build
« on: July 01, 2008, 01:14:21 AM »
Belleghuan Ltd site has an article which was helpful to me:


General Discussion / Re: Thieved Again!
« on: June 24, 2008, 02:18:01 AM »
All Right! Get 'em Mike!


Generators / Re: Looking for ST Head
« on: May 06, 2008, 02:31:14 AM »
You might try Tom Osborne, he's on eBay and is located here south of Atlanta, GA. He's where I got mine. He usually has more stuff than currently advertised.

He's got an STC 7.5kw advertised now, not sure what the difference is: 150231948253   

No financial interest, just done business with him.


General Discussion / Re: Indian wrench humor?
« on: March 28, 2008, 12:33:30 AM »
...fishy...  :D

Yah, good luck with that...  ::)

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