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Messages - Aberdonion

Pages: [1]
Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: 6/1 Lister injector specifications
« on: July 31, 2021, 12:39:04 AM »
I took the injector somewhat apart but didn't see anything that would adjust. Just as well since I have no no instruments to measure minute things such as an injector.  gave it a wipe and put it back together. When installed it was more of a pressurised stream than a spray or a mist. I took it into a diesel shop today and they said to come back on Tuesday. So, fingers crossed and we will find out next week. - John

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: 6/1 Lister injector specifications
« on: July 24, 2021, 03:42:56 AM »
Thank you Mike for your timely advice. While I was aware of it, it cannot be repeated too often because, as you said, amputation & death could be the result.
Many thanks indeed. - John

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: 6/1 Lister injector specifications
« on: July 23, 2021, 04:11:46 AM »
Hi Mike, where does the time go? I turned the engine with the injector out. There was a little spray coming out. Of course the engine was only turning as fast as my son could spin it. I presume at normal rotating speed the spray would be quite different. I will see if I can get my son to work up a sweat on Saturday. I am too old with too many open heart ops to think I can turn the engine myself. Good excuse anyway. I live near Edmonton, Ab. Canada. - John

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: 6/1 Lister injector specifications
« on: July 20, 2021, 05:32:32 AM »
Thank you Mike, you are a great help. I will try it tomorrow. - John

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: 6/1 Lister injector specifications
« on: July 19, 2021, 04:51:04 AM »
Thank you guys for your responses which are very helpful. When I first tried to start it, there would be smoke but no fire. Now there is not even smoke so I was thinking perhaps the channel (tube) had blocked from being out of service for 15 years or perhaps more.  i will take your information and injector to a different shop and see what they say. Many thanks and much appreciation. - John

Original Lister Cs Engines / 6/1 Lister injector specifications
« on: July 17, 2021, 08:34:14 PM »
Hi Folks, I have a 6/1 SOM which I am slowly trying to bring into service. The injector needs to be refurbished but the machine shop in Edmonton Ab. said they couldn't do it without the specifications. Does anyone have the necessary specifications? Thanks - John

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: Start-o-matic relay sequency
« on: December 05, 2020, 04:17:51 AM »
I am a regular reader of this site but have only contributed once before. I grew up in Scotland without electricity until I was twelve then my dad installed a 5/1 SOM until we connected to the grid eight years later (1966).
I imported a 6/1 SOM from England a couple of years ago and intend to go off grid. I installed solar panels last year which are working fine but I am tied to the grid for three years having accepted an installation grant. I am working slowly on getting the engine to work then I will focus on the electrical side.

In answer to the question at hand the valve decompresion actuator is to stop the engine and close the fuel rack at the same time. On a manual start, one waits until some speed is worked up before releasing the valve decompression. On a battery start it has compression right away. - An Alberta Boy

Original Lister Cs Engines / Re: Pant leg
« on: November 18, 2013, 04:21:16 AM »
There was a reason that the UK gov't legislated covers to tractor PTO shafts back in the 1950's. Too many people being killed. The Lister shaft is not that much different, but the old Listers were made when it was presumed that people had common sense - they don't.

I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of a shaft cover and how it is connected.

Engines / Re: Newbie problem with Metro 6/1
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:44:19 AM »
Hello: I hate to suggest this, but do you have fuel in the tank?

General Discussion / Re: NOT ENGINE RELATED
« on: March 02, 2011, 12:33:19 AM »
Dear Mike: I am very sorry to read about your distress. There is much sage and pithy advice in the posts. Some say 'work together' and some say 'move on'. Perhaps you and your wife could sit together and discuss each post which has been offered with sincerity. There is a range of opinions and as you talk each one through with the focus on what has been said in the post rather than your own opinion, you will start to see that each perspective shines a little light on your situation. By discussing what someone else said removes the finger pointing and fosters a more balanced discussion. I pray for you and wish happiness for you both together.

Engines / Re: Ideal running temp for ST3
« on: November 27, 2010, 01:30:15 AM »
With your sooty exhaust you should check for carbon build up in the exhaust system that could be a serious restriction on the exhaust gases and cause starting problems.

General Discussion / Re: Importing engine from the UK
« on: October 13, 2010, 03:04:25 AM »
I am looking for a CS 6/1 and would be interested in importing to western Canada. Do you still want more participants?

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