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Messages - shagal

Pages: [1]
Other Fuels / Re: kerosene as fuel ????
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:03:20 PM »
thanks for that tom , was actually hoping i could do that as i can get wvo in small amounts  :D

Other Fuels / kerosene as fuel ????
« on: November 18, 2011, 02:49:03 PM »
hi any body using kerosene as fuel in listers can it be used straight or mixed with diesel or even mixed with other fuels  other fuels ?

i was considering wvo but i think  supply might be a bit small as i think i moght have to have a waste oil collection lisence to be allowed to collect it in any worthwill quantities :(
diesel here is about 0.96c pl and kero is about  0.75c  pl  about 20cent pl  differance and i s about the cheapest oil i can buy here

Lister Based Generators / Re: 12/1
« on: November 17, 2011, 11:49:27 PM »
have u any contact details on the guy from ireland who is dealing in the chinese engines ?
or should i stick to the originnal ,have heard a few horror stories ovet hte last few days
about casting sand in the crank case and dodgy build quality also heard of one guy who got his new engine
to discover first that it was painted AFTER it went into the shipping crate then found sand etc
but having said that have heard of quit afew people that are very happy with them (chinese engines)
so i still dont know what is best although  big and slow seem to be the way to go rather then small nd fast

Lister Based Generators / Re: 12/1
« on: November 17, 2011, 10:03:55 AM »
hi 38ac
i never though of useing a larger engine at lower rpms  sounds to be the thing to do :)
what hp would it put out at 650 rpm ? and are they easy to get in ireland ?.
thnks for ur input

Lister Based Generators / 12/1
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:50:59 PM »
hello every one
im looking for a gen set to power house as back up thinking 6/7 kw shoold be plenty .also like to fuel it on wvo any ideas on what would be the best engine / gen head for the job was thinking 12/1 cs engine but im very new to this so any help wpuld be greatly appriciated ,
im in ireland if any one knows of any suitable set around here  thanks every one

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